Audio Yoga Class Common Questions:

If your question is not answered, please do not hesitate to contact me

Q: How many times can I download the class once I’ve purchased it?

A: Once you have access to the file, you can download the file whenever you want.

Q: What exactly are these recordings?

A: I used a microphone teaching at East Wind Yoga so that I could both listen to my own classes and allow a larger audience to benefit from what I consider to be an extremely foundational, unique and personal style of teaching.

Q: What do I need to practice?

A: A designated area, ideally away from bugs (so you don’t have to kill them), with a yoga mat and some water. Speakers of some sort will also be necessary (computer speakers work great!). The last and most important thing you will need is your breath. If you lose track of my voice its fine, but do not lose track of your breath. If you do, pause the player, wait for your breathing and heart-rate to lower in child’s pose or seated meditation. Once your breathing becomes full again, resume the practice

Q: What level are the yoga classes?

A: For most American yogis, my flow yoga classes are level 2, hybrid level 1-2, and Yin that can range from beginner to advanced. Yin Yoga is more restorative, Flow yoga is more cleansing.

Q: What style of yoga do you teach?

A: I am primarily influenced by Iyengar, Ashtanga, and the Bikram methods of yoga, though I have molded them together with western anatomical and medical knowledge to provide balance between innervation and relaxation, difficulty and ease, flexibility and stability. I also appreciate many western teaching such as Bryan Kest, Rusty Wells, Scott Emerich, and all of the instructors at East Wind Yoga.

Q: Can I share the class with friends?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Can I store the class on an iPad, or a iPod?

A: The class file will be in MP3 format, so you can upload it to iTunes, and Mp3 player, or simply store it on the hard drive of your computer. You just have to save the file onto your hard-drive.

Q: Won’t it be weird to just hear a voice telling me things to do? What if I don’t understand what you are saying?

A: I personally have found this type of yoga to be very satisfying in personal practice, due to the freedom you have in your own interpretation. Some days might be different than others, but if you use your breath as your guide, you can find your own path within the dialogue that I have created for you.

Q: I think I hear music in the background, why is that?

A: At East Wind, I taught with music as and enhancement to the practice. I also put my playlists online in my music section, so you can feel free to look up the artists on Spotify or another audio platform if you like.

Q: How many times can I use a class?

A: All of my class are balanced, but it will truly depend upon how much of the sequences you can accomplish.

Q: How long are the classes?

A: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes to 1 Hour



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