Creating EDM all the time

What I love (creating tracks like Pusher – the E.T.)

Creating music like Pusher – the E.T. is my passion. There is only one other thing that I like to do as much as make music and that is practicing yoga. The two are very equal in my mind. Kind of like opposite ends of a coin. Music is a huge reason that I have been identifying to heavily with Taoism.

The two arts  have many similarities, and in my experience they occupy kind of the same space. Actually, let’s include teaching yoga in that list, even though teaching yoga feels like much more work than either music or practicing yoga. All three help me to hone my creativity into passions that help me to grow as an individual. My music is in its adolescence, but my yoga is pretty mature (after nearly a decade of practicing). Teaching is becoming more and more of a rock for my mind to output creativity, though it is very taxing and it requires tons of energy.

Making music all the time

Sitting down in front of a computer for 8 hours and just writing music for that entire time has become somewhat second nature to me. I’ve even started going all day, for about 12 hours, though its pretty much impossible to do multiple days of that in a row and still make a quality end-product. I feel like that hard work will make my success inevitable, my sound will just be so polished and powerful.

Recently I bought some new software that I am very excited to use in all of my productions. I am working towards a new computer that is ultra fast. But really, nothing holds me back from pursuing the dreamy kind of soundscapy electro bass house that I’ve always loved. Now, I can do it my way, in my own style.

My latest music video for Pusher is a good example of a track that is perfect for a 3D immersive video experience, but I don’t yet have 3D software. I did my best with Magic Visualizer and this is the result, let me know what you think of it!

Pusher – the E.T. (music video)

The E.T. is is creating tons of new music

I also have several other tracks that I am really looking forward to releasing! I’ve sent some to labels, but I think I am going to plan on releasing the album around 9/1. I am trying to get full artwork created for all of the tracks, so here’s to collaborating with other artists! Also, I am making a collaborative track with Beefus B. Stoked on it, his sound is ultra unique.

Also, I am participating in this contest thing with Bruce Lee lyrics. My track is almost composed, just working on the bass for the drops. Check out the trailer, its hilarious:

Check back soon for more yoga, music, and updates about my art.

Download & Stream my latest track, Pusher below:


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