Free Yoga Classes from Pada Yogi

Free Yoga Classes

Over the past few months I have recorded some yoga classes from the studios to create some free yoga class downloads for the readers/subscribers of Pada Yogi. All of the downloads are available below, feel free to save the files to your computer and to use them to practice yoga when you travel, or if you want to practice a led class without the yoga studio. I have a few different types of yoga classes available to you, so please enjoy!

Free Yoga Class Downloads

Yin Yoga Class from Black Friday

[purchase_link id=”60151″ style=”button” color=”gray” text=”Black Friday Yin Yoga” direct=”true”]

Yin Yoga Class from Asha Yoga

[purchase_link id=”67994″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Asha Yin Yoga” direct=”true”]

Flow Yoga Class (1 Hour)

[purchase_link id=”68007″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Flow Yoga Class” direct=”true”]

Flow Yoga Class (1 Hour, slightly more difficult)

[purchase_link id=”68013″ style=”button” color=”orange” text=”1 Hour Flow Yoga Class” direct=”true”]


Please enjoy these yoga classes brought to you by Elliot Telford and Pada Yogi. These are not beginner audio recordings. You should have a reasonable yoga(10-20 classes or sessions) practice before using this audio.


Please enjoy these free recordings; more are on the way!




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