music production


Battle for Mars – EROS Part 3

download the track with the links below:


Focusing on Higher Quality Production

The last few months have been full of landscaping work; I haven’t had as much time for music as I’d like which is why finishing this music took so long. But it also gave me a chance to take a step back and think about what I want to make more deeply. I love french house; so I got back to a lot of that king of filtering with the steady background beat. I really had to rethink my process for this last track. Normally I like to spend an hour or two every day working on sound designs, melodies, working with new technologies, etc. I love music production because it has some pretty hardcore software engineering associated with it and these softwares allow for particle manipulations, wave shaping, modularizing, phase shifting; it all a bunch of quantum physics and learning about how sound waves and energy works for me. This track represents a lot of learning and education.

Youtube Music Video

click the link above if the video below doesn’t work; I’ve had trouble embedding videos from youtube lately.

This album represents so much hard work over the last 18 months, I have really poured myself into this music in an attempt to start playing live shows; I think it could start to happen soon! But I am also completely focused on just making music, and don’t want to be distracted with something as insane as creating a tour (honestly sounds like way too much work for one person, shout out to everyone doing that right now). I spent a lot of time creating the process to develop these sounds.

Battle for Mars represents the longest I’ve ever spent on a track; over 6 months now. All of the sounds are made from scratch, with the exception of the Gangus drums. I wrote the first EROS album in less time than that I think. The quality of the production hopefully represents that. The loudness and the mix of my tracks should be improving quite a bit and the stereo mix is just plain difficult to normalize for every system, so I’ve focused on the acoustics of a car and a clean mix (really, this just means I do a car-play test with my music). This mix is very iterative; some of the tracks have like 30 layers of EQ, the bass has been heavily processed in multiple layers of trash and a myriad of other heavy distortion plugins including the Glitch Machines armada. I really enjoyed the Max for Live improvements also, there is a vertex delay that was very fun to use.

I have a few different versions of the track, its in C and moves into D# a tiny bit, but there’s not a ton of melodic movement in this track; it is mostly about creating a unified atmosphere and feelings for the movement of the sound. So I guess the music would be a little weird if you have never heard any of my sound designs before; they are all made from scratch using operator, Ableton stock plugins, Serum, Phaseplant, Trash, Rift, and honestly too many plugins to ever remember or name.

I’ll have a music video out tomorrow or this weekend, I am not super happy with how this latest iteration came out and it takes a while to process. Thanks for listening!

Here is the final track’s cover art (really just a couple of good chat GPT prompts and editing) of EROS Part 3: Battle for Mars:

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ReCurve – the E.T.

120 BPM Electro- House

Recurve has some of my favorite melodic work; the beginning took a little bit of time to sort out; but I think its pretty unique (in terms of melodic structure) and once the bass kicks in; the sound design adds a dynamism that builds on the initial melody allowing it to go in and out. I owe all of this melodic structure stuff to Noah, who seems to constantly remind me of motifs and returning back to the original ideas and sounds from the beginning of the track. I feel like this is a constantly evolving relationship between the end and beginning that is definitive of good taoist philosophy.

EROS Part 3

Track 5 – Recurve

This track takes a more somber tone to the exploration of the universe through sound; a lot of this work speaks to the loneliness of space, but simultaneously the thrill of adventure. We constantly go a little further from safety to heroically explore the cosmos in spite of our inevitable extinction.

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Shield Wall – the E.T.

77BPM | D#

Shield Wall is the first Drum and Bass Track! I am pretty excited for how it came out, but I think the end is pretty chaotic; sometimes its a challenge to keep the organization as I move through a track and I wonder if this one wasn’t a little disorganized towards the end. However, I love the beginning and think that the melody is well thought out and purposed for the track; which has been my focus with the whole EROS PART 3 album; movement towards more cohesive structures and organizations within the writing of the music is a good way to grow in the musical ability to self-reference.

Anyways, the bass is heavily modulated as usual; but this is one of my first tracks with Synplant, which has a fairly powerful AI engine for sound design. I spent a few hours at the beginning hunting for bass sounds and the result is what you hear at about bar 17 in the track, or about 00:30.


Track 6 – Shield Wall

This is part 6 of the EROS compilation; it has a certain unique flavor of DNB that is mostly about the bass synthesis. I have a couple more tracks to go, but we are getting towards the end of the music I’ve finished; at most, there could be 5 more tracks; but most likely, there will be two, maybe 3.

I spent some good time crafting the music video as well. Check it out…

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Sardukaur Enlightenment – the E.T.

This is a track I wrote over the last 5 or 6 months. It includes most the my favorite sounds that I have ever made; there is one specifically that comes in around the first drop that feels like a robot moving out of orbit if you were somehow outside of a space station around planet Earth. All of the sounds have a lot of processing involved and it has become quite a fun process to adventure through the different possibilities with low frequency sounds.

The music video came together pretty well. I loved the idea of Sardukaur training and initiation rituals so the name for this track came from a lot of recent sound design missions converging together. The graphic from a dune inspired graphic from chat GPT combined with some image processing and music visualization with magic and viola. I like how its kind of similar to an 80s cartoon. There’s a kind of journey in the music video. The track itself is meant to be pretty dark and the idea is that no matter how far our technology advances, humans will always resort to war as some kind of way to advance ourselves.

Sardukaur Enlightenment Music Video

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Robo Trash – the E.T.

EROS Part 3 – Track 3

This is the Electro House adventure of a robot named T that travels through space to collect metal debris from the Exosphere, avoiding satellites and various supersonic frequencies to clean the passageways between Earth and Outer Space. This robot has a very spritely personality and enjoys also clearing the sound waves for other objects to pass more peacefully through the turbulence of the outer layers of atmosphere of planet Earth. T is also a big fan of the Sun and enjoys testing the gravitational pull at the edge of the solar winds.

This track has been out on Spotify for a little while, but I consider it to be a part of the EROS 3 music because the music has come in a sort of wave. This track specifically felt like a big breakthrough for my sound and I enjoyed the idea of playing it live quite a bit; it definitely has the potential to be mixed with other house tracks.

Bass Sound Design

My focus has been centered around the low end of the frequency spectrum for a long time now; I just love making womps and wobbles. When I get a chance to play live more; I am going to do a lot of experimentation with speakers and producing solid and fun waves that emanate from the lower spectrum.

ROBO Trash Music Video

I’ve been having a great time making these music videos and pushing the magic software to its limits. I am going to most likely start during some custom color corrections using code, but for now, the algorithms available in magic are pretty cool!

Robo Trash on Youtube
Robo Trash on X
Robo Trash on FACEBOOK

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Pure_Spice dune spice extraction inspired cover art by

Pure Spice – the E.T.

dune spice extraction inspired cover art by

This electro house track has been in the works for more than 6 months; I started with the vocal chops and got the original idea for the melody. The bass sound design was created as a compliment to the vocals, but its does take over a bit in the drop which I like a lot. It took a lot of working and reprocessing to get the bass to where it sits now. Phaseplant was very helpful with this process. There is a background atmosphere that I love as well that peaks in the middle of the track; it created a very mysterious vibe for the rest of the sounds to punch through.

Track 2 of EROS p3

Drums, and Bass House Beats w Vocal Chops

The drum beat is a fairly typical house combination; at the end of the track I do a little bass switch up that I think is fun and suits the temp change in the track. It becomes more of a half-time trap track about halfway through the album. This is one of the first pieces of music that I would describe as a journey. I think I have gotten to that point with a lot of the tracks of this album. I hope you like it!

The Visuals and Cover Art

I am really happy with the software that I use for the visualizations; it has a very unique distortion engine that is fun to apply to effects; I can see it becoming a very useful tool in the future of both live production and visualizations for music. The cover art was generated by prompting and edited using

Pure Spice Music Video

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Twitch – the E.T.

In the not too distant future; one of the last human survivors on Earth, Liz, arrives on Mars to find that robotic lifeforms have previously conquered and settled the desert wastelands. Though not originating from Earth; the robot knows of Liz and her journey and proceeds to test for neurological robotic hardware that may be present in Liz’s brain. Liz performs her own testing on the sentience of the robot and find something fascinatingly familar about the robots behavior…. this is their conversation.

EROS Part 3

Track 1 – Twitch

This is the first track of the new EROS album that I am releasing over the next week. I’m still finishing the music; going as fast as I can here. It doesn’t help when I completely rewrite a track on the day of release; which I did with the track yesterday, but hey, can’t rush quality!

This track is very influenced by DAFT PUNK, Deadmau5, and MR. Oizo. I like the repetition of it and I think it has some potential for the club; it slaps I think! The drums are mixed well and the beginning could easily be looped to have a lighter and more playful beginning to the track; it’s kinda glitchy.

I made the cover art with Dall-E aka CHAT GPT; and the music video with Magic Music Visualizer, which I think I may play shows with someday! I used BeFunky to change the exposure and add text to make it a bit more cinematic. It would be very fun to have some randomized visuals going that sync with the beat.

I’ve uploaded the video to both Twitter and Youtube in an effort to decentralized the music and also to get the platforms to talk to each other more. Copyright is going to be a big issue in the future and I am doing my best to position myself to own all of my own rights to my music; my heart goes out to TSwift, Motley Crue (did I spell that right?), and any other artists that have lost rights to their creative endeavors; that’s messed up.

Follow my channel on Youtube!

Here’s the video on X if you prefer:

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Cover art for the E.T.'s Helios' Haven (by chat GPTs Dall-E)

Helios’ Haven – the E.T.

I wrote a track this morning and used my most recent drone footage to make a music video. I think it turned out nicely; it’s definitely some of my most ambient work so far. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the Heliosphere recently and this footage seemed to also match the tone of the music I created; I have been trying for months to make more “chill music” very unsuccessfully. I have lots of new electro because of this effort 😉

Eros Part 3

comes out in two days! And tomorrow night, I will play an EROS show at East Wind Roseville; I am really excited about it!

details about Helios’ Haven:

This media is a tribute to the awesome power of the Sun; pretty cool that we have such a thing, in my opinion.

The drone footage focuses on the American River and “No Hands Bridge”, which to my understanding is the tallest bridge in the western half of the United States. It is monumental and also a really great hike that I highly recommend.

I’ve included a link to the download and cover art. You can stream the music video on X or on Youtube as you please 🙂

Helios’ Haven Music Video

Helios’ Haven Cover Art (thanks to Chat GPT)

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the E.T. – Suppression

the E.T. - Suppression

My latest track is out now via YouTube and This is very influenced by the recent events with Elon Musk (Go Fuck Yourself Bob Iger), as well as my generation’s (the millennials and Z’s) conquest for a better world. I hope it gets you excited about the release of Grōk, AI, and the cosmic future of humanity.

I spent a little while on this one, mostly on the mix. The sound design process has been pretty consistently expansive for me lately, and I keep fine tuning the frequencies of the sounds that I truly LOVE to make. I am not super impressed with the AI music making software yet, but I also remind myself that highly technical tools, such a RIFT, or PhasePlant are undoubtedly made with AI precursor softwares (which are human oriented). I can’t recommend these two plug-ins enough. They are top of the line and I really love and appreciate the products.

the E.T. – Suppression Read More »


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