EDM Album

Shield Wall – the E.T.

77BPM | D#

Shield Wall is the first Drum and Bass Track! I am pretty excited for how it came out, but I think the end is pretty chaotic; sometimes its a challenge to keep the organization as I move through a track and I wonder if this one wasn’t a little disorganized towards the end. However, I love the beginning and think that the melody is well thought out and purposed for the track; which has been my focus with the whole EROS PART 3 album; movement towards more cohesive structures and organizations within the writing of the music is a good way to grow in the musical ability to self-reference.

Anyways, the bass is heavily modulated as usual; but this is one of my first tracks with Synplant, which has a fairly powerful AI engine for sound design. I spent a few hours at the beginning hunting for bass sounds and the result is what you hear at about bar 17 in the track, or about 00:30.


Track 6 – Shield Wall

This is part 6 of the EROS compilation; it has a certain unique flavor of DNB that is mostly about the bass synthesis. I have a couple more tracks to go, but we are getting towards the end of the music I’ve finished; at most, there could be 5 more tracks; but most likely, there will be two, maybe 3.

I spent some good time crafting the music video as well. Check it out…

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Pure_Spice dune spice extraction inspired cover art by Artiphoria.ai

Pure Spice – the E.T.

dune spice extraction inspired cover art by Artiphoria.ai

This electro house track has been in the works for more than 6 months; I started with the vocal chops and got the original idea for the melody. The bass sound design was created as a compliment to the vocals, but its does take over a bit in the drop which I like a lot. It took a lot of working and reprocessing to get the bass to where it sits now. Phaseplant was very helpful with this process. There is a background atmosphere that I love as well that peaks in the middle of the track; it created a very mysterious vibe for the rest of the sounds to punch through.

Track 2 of EROS p3

Drums, and Bass House Beats w Vocal Chops

The drum beat is a fairly typical house combination; at the end of the track I do a little bass switch up that I think is fun and suits the temp change in the track. It becomes more of a half-time trap track about halfway through the album. This is one of the first pieces of music that I would describe as a journey. I think I have gotten to that point with a lot of the tracks of this album. I hope you like it!

The Visuals and Cover Art

I am really happy with the software that I use for the visualizations; it has a very unique distortion engine that is fun to apply to effects; I can see it becoming a very useful tool in the future of both live production and visualizations for music. The cover art was generated by prompting artiphoria.ai and edited using Befunky.com.

Pure Spice Music Video

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Twitch – the E.T.

In the not too distant future; one of the last human survivors on Earth, Liz, arrives on Mars to find that robotic lifeforms have previously conquered and settled the desert wastelands. Though not originating from Earth; the robot knows of Liz and her journey and proceeds to test for neurological robotic hardware that may be present in Liz’s brain. Liz performs her own testing on the sentience of the robot and find something fascinatingly familar about the robots behavior…. this is their conversation.

EROS Part 3

Track 1 – Twitch

This is the first track of the new EROS album that I am releasing over the next week. I’m still finishing the music; going as fast as I can here. It doesn’t help when I completely rewrite a track on the day of release; which I did with the track yesterday, but hey, can’t rush quality!

This track is very influenced by DAFT PUNK, Deadmau5, and MR. Oizo. I like the repetition of it and I think it has some potential for the club; it slaps I think! The drums are mixed well and the beginning could easily be looped to have a lighter and more playful beginning to the track; it’s kinda glitchy.

I made the cover art with Dall-E aka CHAT GPT; and the music video with Magic Music Visualizer, which I think I may play shows with someday! I used BeFunky to change the exposure and add text to make it a bit more cinematic. It would be very fun to have some randomized visuals going that sync with the beat.

I’ve uploaded the video to both Twitter and Youtube in an effort to decentralized the music and also to get the platforms to talk to each other more. Copyright is going to be a big issue in the future and I am doing my best to position myself to own all of my own rights to my music; my heart goes out to TSwift, Motley Crue (did I spell that right?), and any other artists that have lost rights to their creative endeavors; that’s messed up.

Follow my channel on Youtube!

Here’s the video on X if you prefer:

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Noer the Boy’s Futuristic Sci-Fi Bass Album Review:

A Forlorn Hope

Noer the Boy is at the helm of a new generation of pioneers exploring the frequency spectrum through abstract bass music. His beats crush with punishing distortion and his music seethes with melodic and harmonic intricacies that will being your dance moves to the next level. From his background in marching band, choir, and video editing; Noah grew a fascination with kinetic beats, industrial sounds, and the unrestricted freedom of computer sound creation.

Noah is 27 (August 3rd, 1993) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Noah was born and raised in Appleton, which is about an hour and a half from Milwaukee on the northern end of Lake Winnebago. Noah studied music and band in high school playing the French horn, which is pretty damn cool and also became a drum major for his high school, Appleton East.

Noah is a member of DJ Shadow’s imprint Liquid Amber, Los Angeles collective Courteous Family, and Noisia’s DIVISION, Noer the Boy has also released music on Mass Appeal, VISION, Alpha Pup, and Orange Milk Records. Noer teamed up with Shadow to co-produce ‘Horror Show’ featuring Danny Brown and tour Europe following the release of his debut album ‘Mechanism’. His sounds have grabbed the attention of bass music figureheads G Jones, EPROM, Machinedrum, Ivy Lab, and the Low End Theory club night in LA.

Noah seems to be in a solid space, even with the impact of CoronaVirus in 2020. Pretty awesome considering he now makes a living off making music, sound design tutorials and sample packs, and has an awesome Patreon where you can get exclusives of all his newly released tracks, as well as deeper packages to help music creators augment their productions. He works hard for it and his sound reflects that.

I’ve been lucky enough to take lessons from Noah for about the last year and a half and we’ve been drilling down into mix engineering, deeper sound design, and modular synthesis. Noah is really a wiz at music, so make sure you follow him because he will definitely be releasing new music. He’s recently started to make heavily synthesized house music, or electro, which I have to say I am ecstatic about. Electro-House is my favorite kind of music.

I interviewed Noah about A Forlorn Hope, in an effort to get a better understanding of his music creation process, and what this latest album means to him. I loved the album, especially Shapeshifter, Nebula, Exile, and Rule of two. The whole album certainly deserves a listen on some high quality speakers! (your car is probably not loud enough). Check out the Q and A with Noah below and leave a comment if you feel inclined:

Interview with Noer the Boy

Q1. Elliot: “I personally love all of your music. But this album seems special. I think it hits harder than most and that the sound design is pioneering. What kinds of processes and techniques do you use to make your sounds and mix stand out so much? What kind of special sauces do you use to create such a punishing sound?”

A1. Noertheboy: “Don’t underestimate the power of layering. A few simple sounds or effect chains can combine to form something that appears much more complex than it really is. Treat sound design as building with lego bricks – maybe the instructions are useful but also maybe you want to experiment instead.”

Q2. Elliot: “A Forlorn Hope has some of my favorite tunes on it. But I think that the title track is special and its kind of the motif of the album. Its fat. What inspired you to create that track, and the sounds that are in it?”

A2. Noertheboy: “Without giving too much away, Forlorn Hope is about a doomed journey to the edge of the known universe. ‘Forlorn Hope’  was originally named ‘Event Horizon’, but after watching the 90s film by the same title I didn’t want people to think I made the record about that movie.”

Q3. Elliot: “My favorite track is Nebula, I’m not sure why, but I just love the cohesion of the track and the melody that persists and finds an apex near the ending. What are your favorite parts of the album, and why?”

A3. Noertheboy: “It’s impossible for me to pick a favorite from my album. Each album track is my favorite for a different reason. If I don’t feel 100% like it’s my favorite song made so far, it doesn’t make it on the record.”

Q4: Elliot: “How did you come up with the theme and storyline behind the album? Its pretty cool. It reminds me of a combination of Lost in Space, Dune, or maybe the Abyss.”

A4. Noertheboy: “‘Forlorn Hope’ itself is a term for a group of soldiers tasked with a leading mission, usually a suicidal mission where casualties are high. That combined with my love of deep space SCI-FI films have influenced me a great deal. The Alien series, Interstellar, War of the Worlds, 2001: A Space Odyssey – movies like those have shaped a lot of my sonic identity. The world that ‘Forlorn Hope’ exists in is also the same world that my first album ‘Mechanism’ takes place in. I’m a big fan of concept records.”

Q5. Elliot: “You said on your instagram that writing this album has been particularly Cathartic for you. In what ways have you grown personally and professionally from writing A Forlorn Hope?”

A5. Noertheboy: “I only start write an album when I have something new to say and new tools to showcase. So a lot of growth has to happen to get to that place. And the album writing process itself is transformative. Writing a few songs will undoubtably inspire me to write more and that process leads to rapid growth and breakthroughs that might come much slower if not for writing a cohesive LP.”

Q6. Elliot: “How long did you album take?”

A6. Noertheboy: “The process took a little under a year and a half.”

Q7. Elliot: “How long have you been writing music? What was your first show like?”

A7. Noertheboy: “I’ve been writing music as Noer the Boy for going on 8 years, but music has been an integral part of my life ever since I can remember. My first show was a house party in college and I remember playing hella Pretty Lights, rap music, and Skrillex mashups IIRC. Shoutout my old music homies Kaelin and Alec for playing with me at that first show!”

Q8. Elliot: “You’re pretty good at writing music, Noah. But why do you make it? What’s your primary inspiration. (or 2, or 3)”

A8. Noertheboy: “Music put simply is my everything. It’s what I know. I’d make music if nobody listened.”

Q9. Elliot: “Is there anything else about the album that you want people to know? Maybe you can comment on how you feel about it being finished and out there in the wild to have a life of its own?”

A9. Noertheboy: “Shirts and vinyl copies are in the works! Big thanks to everyone listening and sharing the record, I really appreciate it.”

Q10: “Any last notes? Any coronavirus advice?”

A10. Noertheboy: “Take the stay at home orders seriously so we can get back to enjoying live music.”

That’s it for the interview, feel free to comment on anything and make sure to check out this very avant-garde production from Noer the Boy – A Forlorn Hope.

Noer the Boy (live)

You can buy the Forlorn Hope album on Bandcamp to help support Noah in his journey. You can also follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and of course, on Facebook.

Noer the Boy’s Futuristic Sci-Fi Bass Album Review: Read More »


the E.T. | EROS | Part 1

EROS Part 1 by the E.T.


EROS Part 1 is out via all major streaming distributors


The first part of EROS took an enormous amount of time; ranging from taking me months to days, mostly months for tracks to come together. Unwarranted Surveillance was pretty much written in a day! That just means I employed a lot of learned techniques quickly to the track and was able to create a fun experimental melody that works with the other heavy bass sounds in the track. Positron went through about 20 different iterations and took about 4 months; Positron and Stabilize my favorite tracks of the EROS, Part 1 album, but I’m extremely happy with how all of the tracks have turned out. This is an introduction to the concepts of the trilogy album and will evolve with Part 2, and 3. EROS is a three-part adventure.


EROS is a concept album, a post-apocalyptic (you guessed it right!) space station that houses the criminals and fugitives of the intergalactic police, namely the Nemoans on the moon of Mars, EROS. The Nemoans are a race of giant toads that police the allied galaxies and are self-entitulated rulers of the galaxy, due to their military’s superiority. Toads are known to consume entire planets, some by themselves. Nemooah, the emperor has done this several times, though it is recognized as a legend by many rebels. EROS is the pinnacle of their demonic society and is influenced by my trip to Poland when I was 21. Part 1 contains 12 tracks about the technology and hero of the saga, J the alien. Part 2 will introduce Nemooah.

The Villain.

Emperor Nemooah is one of the universes most grimy and slime coated giant toads from the boggy swamps of the gas giant, Xaxis. Xaxis was destroyed by humanity in 2119. Nemooah’s revenge was the end of humanities occupation of Earth. Nemooah now lives deep within the swamps of Earth, eating crocodiles and whales occasionally. The remainder of the people’s of Earth now live in EROS, an energy producing virtual reality space station build on Mars’ moon. The energy gathered from the human bodies continues to grow as the humans become more and more complacent with their virtual prison. Hope for the future of humanity and the universe is fading.

There is only one being that is known to have escaped the Nemoan Federation since the beginning of time; a species, actually. the emperor has learned of their technology by the slim remains that he was able to find on Earth’s moon. He calls the race ‘novaborn’ as it appears that their technology requires the birthing of a new star, and not just any star, but one formed in the thickness of a new nebulae.

This is the beginning of the story for our hero, ‘J’, who is the last of an extinct race of ultra advanced cybernetic organisms. They are called, the Novites, or the ones born of stars. J wanders galaxy in search for new energy sources that could help to provide a future for his extinct race and their technologies that once spanned the universe. He is the last one.

Prelude to EROS Part 1

Drysithe was sure that he would die. Ever since he heard the transmission, his left eye twitched incessantly. This news wouldn’t sit well with the Emperor. Nemooah would surely execute him, like his predecessor. Nemooah didn’t even hide that he would one day kill his messenger, he had no fear of his younger cousin whatsoever. He would fade into oblivion, like his father when he failed the strike against Newetan

“The NovaStar has awoken, my liege.”

“What are the readings?”

“They are immeasurable… forces involved were too fast and powerful to even withstand basic readings… it destroyed our sensors. Specially, during the nebulae absorption process; we didn’t even begin to catalogue or record the birth… It has escaped through some kind of wormhole or portal at the end, my lord.” The undertoad looked down at his emperor’s corpulent feet with terror, he couldn’t stop his left eye from twitching. His veins felt like poison, his heart pounded.

“Do not fret, Drysithe.” Nemooah took a long moment to cackle, his amusement at Drysithe’s discomfort was unfathomably light. His many uniform decorations clanged against each other on his enormous chest. “I would never expect to catch a Novaborn during birth.” Nemooah sighed disaapointedly, letting loose a slight tumult of saliva and the dead remnants of his last good meal. “We will search the galaxies for the energy signature we found today; we have what we need! The initial data should be plenty.”

“Excellent, Emperor Nemooah, this is such excellent news!” Drysithe tried not to look at the dead toad at Nemooah’s feet.

“Indeed, it is for you Drysithe; today will not be the day that I eat you. But perhaps tomorrow..” and with a smacking of his tongue against his toad lips, Nemooah launched himself outside, then tore into the softer ground with a massive launch into the heat of the blazing nearby star. He used his jetlike rocket-pack to disappear into orbit on the horizon-line; headed for the nearby moon and the Nemooan intergalactic space station that shadowed its orbit with massive spires and rings that swirled endlessly in magnetically enhanced patterns to create the massive energies needed to travel between galaxies. space-station’s rainbows of color struck Drysithe as he realized that he would love his wife and see his child this hallowed eve. Tears streamed down his face and nothing has ever seemed so beautiful as the station, radiating brightly against the dark oblivion of the beyond.



[purchase_link id=”69797″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”EROS, Part 1 FREE DOWNLOAD” direct=”true”]

    1. NovaBorn [Future-Bass]
    2. J the Alien [Electro-House]
    3. Positron [Techno]
    4. InterGalactic Fugitive [Electro-House]
    5. J106 [House]
    6. Evasion [Electro-House}
    7. Nebulae Mists [Electro-House]
    8. NanoAnts [Tech-House]
    9. Unwarranted Surveillance [Tech-House]
    10. Stabilize [House]
    11. Time Paradox [Tech-House]
    12. Never Surrender [House]

EROS,  Part 1 on Soundcloud

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EROS introduction

the E.T. – EROS Introduction | Novaborn | J the Alien

the E.T. presents:


Introducing EROS

EROS INTRODUCTION: The EROS album is definitely a step-up from my previous work. The mix quality as well as the writing is just on another level (thanks to a lot of hard work). I am attempting to write songs with a new degree of depth, EROS is a result of that search. Now for the EROS introduction, my latest work and music that I am very proud to present to you.

I have taken a lot of influence recently from old rock music, especially Pink Floyd, the Beetles, Led Zeppelin, and Jimmy Hendrix, specifically. The ideas of concept albums and how Pink Floyd used them to talk about ideas that are pervasive to the human experience. I’m in love with how Led Zeppelin plays to ideas and how all of the artists create stories with their music. Especially Hendrix.

So I have attempted to adapt my own methodology to create a concept for an album that I think can stand the test of time. EROS is an alien concentration camp of Mar’s moon that all of my tracks focus around. I am almost finished writing the tracks built around these concepts and there is a full storyline to accompany it. EROS tracks has been nearly 6 months in the making! So here’s the story.

EROS was originally going to be a trilogy


I decided to cut down the track count to about 7 or 8 and just take the best. I have also signed one of the tracks to a label. More on that later. Now to introduce EROS and the Universe that exists around the alien concentration camp.

EROS Introduction

Part 1: Introducing J the Alien

Introducing the main character of the Saga, J the Alien. J is an alien, in fact, he is the last being of his race, a once populous and prodigiously successful civilization until the collapse of their neutron star. Now a being must be born into a collapsing star in order to absorb the necessary energy into the incubation process. The energy requirements are so enormous that a birth causes the neutron stars to collapse within a millenia. The Novaborn live until they are killed.

Novaborn – the birth

Future Bass Hybrid

Novaborn is the story of J’s birth, the first part of the EROS introduction. He was birthed without any knowledge of his ancestry into the darkness of space. Upon waking for the first time post-incubation, J is guided via the Novaborn AI, Celexa to his new homeworld, Celexus. Celexa encountered a planet during the incubation process and already begun the terraforming process to make the atmosphere suitable for J to arrive and begin mining the crust. His first quest inundates J with knowledge about his species, their energy consumption, the energy costs of his own life, and the recognition that he is the only one of his kind. J’s life is a search for energy, to keep himself alive and to revive the Novaborn species.

J the Alien – Introducing the main character

Future Electro

J is a very unique character that I am very excited to share. I had an entire album built to explore J’s universe and existence. But I scrapped 5 tracks and combined the rest into the EROS saga. J has all kinds of incredible technology and unique attributes. Luckily, these attributes  make for harrowing and mind-melting adventures through the cosmos. I will release the next tracks ‘very soon;.

I will be releasing more music within the next three days, most notably Positron, which is at the basis for J’s technology and existence. Also check out this music video for Novaborn in the meantime:

Also, check out my previous album, HAZE.

the E.T. – EROS Introduction | Novaborn | J the Alien Read More »

new year fireworks

New Year and New Resolution for the Future

2018 Happy New Year

New Year of Music, the Eros Album, and Getting into Playing Live Shows

I am working hard this new year on an album/Live show experience that will be a couple of years in the making. The music itself is forming pretty quickly, but will require a bunch of visual work to bring to life the world that I am creating. Also, Ableton is releasing a new version of Live soon in the new year. That should make my creativity spike in February or March.

There is going to be a story line behind it that I have been working on for a few months. I have written some great beats and even have a few near complete tracks. But I want to ensure that the tracks are all cohesive, so I am making sure to design sounds that I use across various tracks. This is my first concept album, so get stoked.

New Year Yoga and Ashtanga

Living in America and practicing lots of yoga at the same time is a difficult endeavor. Right now, I am getting ready for the New Year rush. The studio is going to be packed with awesomeness soon! When you throw teaching on top of that and a second job because teaching isn’t enough by itself, you have just enough to make someone completely exhausted.

I still practice yoga every day, but not for 2 hours or more, which is how I’d like to. First thing in the morning! But I still take a day or two off each week. I love just waking up early to the practice and breathing. And I’ve really started to miss India. There is something really special about going over there to learn yoga from the people who have experienced it as a part of tradition.

I have my first Ashtanga Workshop on February 3rd, so get ready! I am going have people sign-up beforehand and give out lots of information before we get started with the primary series.

More focus on Quality of Experience

Both in music and in yoga I try to focus on the experience of the person that has signed up for the time period and making their time as enjoyable possible. I am trying to do that while working on giving individuals attention and affirmation as often as I can. I also try to help people to understand the difficulty of what they are trying to do, but in the new year I will simply be continuing to work on connecting with individuals.

A YouTube Channel in the new year

My biggest New Years Resolution is to start a YouTube channel where I can share what I know about yoga. I  think that my knowledge will be super useful to people of all ages! Also, I have a lot of killer abdominal exercises.. I will be carving out a section of my website for this as well, so expect some changes soon.

Music everyday in 2018 is a given. I am recommitting to my daily yoga practice. And finally I want to try to post a blog article every day of 2018.

Happy New Year Everyone! Let me know about your resolutions/goals are!

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CloZee Harmony

Clozee’s Unique Style of EDM takes the West Coast by Storm

Clozee – Bringing in the Future of Bass Music

Clozee’s music is a dynamic fusion of influences. Categorized into the genre of World-Bass Music, CloZee brings a fresh take on EDM, combining eastern instrumentation with western bass music and creating a fusion that is uniquely identifiable as her own style of music.

Dafuq is CloZee?

CloZee is the musical alias of Chloe Herry, a 25?y/o native French speaker from Toulouse, in southern France, which is really cool, I would love to speak some French with her (cause southern speakers are much easier to understand than native Parisians, which is where I learned).

CloZee didn’t release a single track until she was 19 and her popularity grew from humble beginnings. Chloe is a classical guitarist and she uses her instrumentation to create the soaring melodies you can hear in all of her tracks. She specifically uses FL studio and gives massive praise to the stock effects, which are normally highly undervalued, especially by beginner producers.

Eastern Instruments in CloZee productions

A BIG part of CloZee’s sound is her use of eastern and unique instrumentation. In her latest album, Harmony, CloZee utilizes a Guzheng, or Chinese Zither or harp which has been used for over 2,500 years. She also uses a Harmonium as her lead Synth, a Morin Khurr (Mongolian Horsehead Fiddle) for increased texture and to add sensation to the overall feel of the track, and finally an Erhu to compliment the other instruments in the higher frequencies. She also uses saxophones, unique drum samples, and funky percussive arrangements to create some of the best dance music I’ve ever experienced. I know she is also using other instruments, but these are the ones that I was able to pick up on. She also loves to use different kinds of flutes and her guitar melodies are always on point.

Harmony is a fantastic name for the main track of the album, and honestly it’s hard for me to understand why it isn’t her most popular track. Probably because Inner Peace and Koto are also powerful compositions, each a journey in their own respect. Expect big things from CloZee’s music as Chloe continues to evolve, she keeps getting better and better!

A Pioneer of World Music and Bass Fusion

CloZee’s music is uniquely cinematic. The combination of sounds that she uses nearly always leads itself to different experiences while listening to her tracks. Each track is very unique and seems to evolve as my taste in music grows. Here are my favorite tracks from her discography.

CloZee’s Top 5 Tracks:

  • 1 Inner Peace

  • 2 Aspara Calling

  • 3 Harmony

  • 4 Koto

  • 5 Red Forest

The Modern State of Music and the Future of Bass Music

CloZee will undoubtedly have a big influence on the future of Bass music (see this article on the top artists), she is pioneering into unexplored territory with her current products, so get ready for some mind-blowing work.

She has partnered with Psymbionic for her last US tour, which was great because I feel like both of their music is extremely different and powerful. Looking forward to seeing her live!

You can buy CloZee’s latest album HARMONY here: GRAVITAS RECORDINGS

AND make sure you follow Chloe’s Soundcloud, she will probably release new music soon! Also check her out on Spotify, Youtube, and the other streaming networks. I won’t be surprised if her music is in a movie soon!




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