
Robo Trash – the E.T.

EROS Part 3 – Track 3

This is the Electro House adventure of a robot named T that travels through space to collect metal debris from the Exosphere, avoiding satellites and various supersonic frequencies to clean the passageways between Earth and Outer Space. This robot has a very spritely personality and enjoys also clearing the sound waves for other objects to pass more peacefully through the turbulence of the outer layers of atmosphere of planet Earth. T is also a big fan of the Sun and enjoys testing the gravitational pull at the edge of the solar winds.

This track has been out on Spotify for a little while, but I consider it to be a part of the EROS 3 music because the music has come in a sort of wave. This track specifically felt like a big breakthrough for my sound and I enjoyed the idea of playing it live quite a bit; it definitely has the potential to be mixed with other house tracks.

Bass Sound Design

My focus has been centered around the low end of the frequency spectrum for a long time now; I just love making womps and wobbles. When I get a chance to play live more; I am going to do a lot of experimentation with speakers and producing solid and fun waves that emanate from the lower spectrum.

ROBO Trash Music Video

I’ve been having a great time making these music videos and pushing the magic software to its limits. I am going to most likely start during some custom color corrections using code, but for now, the algorithms available in magic are pretty cool!

Robo Trash on Youtube
Robo Trash on X
Robo Trash on FACEBOOK

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Wonka’s Wubbalicous

I’ve been designing sounds for about 7 years now, far more often when I first started in India than I do now (because I have to survive and make money), but I’ve gotten pretty good at making all kinds of different sounds now!

This most recent track is a dubstep adventure through the frequency spectrum, I made it pretty simple to emphasize the bass and added a Japanese Erhu as the lead to create some interesting contrast to the deep dark bass sounds that I love. I hope you enjoy it!

Stream on Soundcloud:

Download a high quality WAV file of Wonka’s Wubbalicious here:

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crystal cave OUT

the E.T. – Crystal Caves is OUT NOW

Sorry its been so long since I’ve posted about my music here. I’m getting back into the swing of my second job (yoga instruction) and I started a new landscaping business this year, so it has been very difficult to find time for things other than work and relaxing from work, and music requires a lot of attention, effort, and time.

However, I have been working super diligently on my music and continuing my lessons with Noah, aka Noer the Boy, whose music you can check out here. He’s a really talented dude with an incredible grasp on distortion and how to manipulate sound to create ultra heavy beats, so make sure you check out his music. His melodies are also really incredible, make sure you listen to his latest album: Forlorn Hope.


The biggest challenge thus far in learning how to write music has certainly been learning to write effective and ear catching melodies. Ideally, to create melodies that resonate and build upon themselves to create an overall harmony that is enjoyable. Thus the release of ‘Mystery’ and ‘Go Big’, which are by far the most melodically oriented tracks I’ve made. I have kinda pushed sound design to the side to explore music theory in more depth and to get a handle on mixing, which has always been really challenging for me (before Noah, I was completely self-taught via youtube). I’m thinking about getting another mentor also just to keep growing in different ways. I’m also working with my buddy who is literally the best guitar player I’ve ever met, Rich Santana, to start making more analog sounds (drums, guitar riffs, bass riffs, etc). I’ve also picked up the Arturia CMI Fairlight and Buchla Easel emulations, which are super fun and incredibly unique instruments.


Learning to mix has been quite the journey for me. I got into music because I love sound and experimental beats, similar to Mr. Oizo, Daft Punk, Deadmau5, Eprom, and No Mana, but obviously all of the artists I just mentioned are fantastic mixing engineers. Experimental sound design isn’t really that cool unless you can properly mix the sounds, because of the overlap of the distortion and lack of quiet in certain parts of the frequency spectrum. I am continuing to educate myself on how exactly to mix sounds to create heavier beats and will continue this journey for a few decades, I hope.

Crystal Caves – Elliot’s newest track

This brings me to my latest piece of music, an abstract BASS track that I call Crystal Caves. This is significantly slower than the majority of my music, because I am trying to branch out from my favorite genre, house music, to play with more experimental and heavy rhythms. I’ve also worked out longer intros and some serious layering of melodies in combination with tighter mixes through precise equalizing and compression to make more cinematic music.

Get my music pretty music anywhere

The track is available on most streaming outlets and I’ve actually used a 3rd party distributor for this track instead of using DistroKid, though I am very skeptical of continuing to work with any distributor. I want complete control over my own music, which makes it tough to even send my stuff out to labels. Please share my track with your friends if you like it, I also really appreciate anyone who reaches out to me with a comment or even a buck or two to support my journey in making music. But I really appreciate anyone who is just willing to give my music a good listen.

Follow my releases here:

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bewilderness logo

The Bewilderness Podcast with Kyle Murphy

Recently, my good buddy Kyle Murphy decided to start a podcast, which I am super proud of him for. But its actually turning out to be really, really good so you should go check it out immediately. He’s just finishing up season 1.

I did an episode for the Bewilderness Podcast with Kyle about a year ago, you can check that out here on Episode 2, baby!

Kyle is a great narrator and has done an excellent job of creating a quality podcast. I haven’t listened to all the episodes, but I love the ones that I have taken the time to listen to.

Kyle takes a pretty relaxed approach to some serious issues. He does an excellent job of guiding his guests to the core of their stories and shares his own views along the way.

I’ve really enjoyed a few episodes:

  1. Cody Tarantino – Cody is a gifted young artist making a name for himself in a unique way. He talked a lot about his viral success through tick-tock and about the instagram grind that helped to lead him to success, as well as his influences. Hayo Miazaki is mentioned a few times and Cody’s art is on par to give Miazaki fans a new treat. His drawings are awesome you can check them out on his instagram
  2. Romain Dial – Romain is an old-school adventurer with a ton of experiences surviving out in the wilderness of Alaska. He recently lost his son very tragically and talks a lot about the perils of the outdoors. Definitely one of my favorite podcast conversations of all time, Romain is an old soul who has been through the some of the harsher aspects of life.
  3. Jeff Shapiro – This dude Jeff is a zen daredevil that will blow your mind with his technical wing-suit diving and relationship with the beyond. He seems like such a nice and intelligent dude; I’d never guess he spends a lot of his free time jumping off and out of things with a wing suit. Having lost a lot of friends recently, this sobering discussion will leave you wanting to express life to the fullest extent and cherishing the present moment that we all share.
  4. Buck Lewis – Buck is a yoga instructor and team coach that has impacted the lives of hundreds of people in the Roseville and Sacramento areas. He owns MomentOM, a yoga studio in Roseville and used to teach at the same yoga studio as me (East Wind). Buck’s journey is full of peril, self-realization, and fierce passion; enjoy a little bit of police violence on the side, too.
  5. Mike Veale – Mike is a conservationist and wildlife expert that personally cared for the last of the world’s white rhinos. His experience in anti-poaching and protecting animals, as well as zoo work and animal care make him extraordinarily interesting to listen to. Get ready to expand your views of conservation in this science oriented episode that talks about climate on a level that is both refreshing, honest, and scientifically informed.

Enjoy this great collection of conversational art-work by Kyle; good job out there man!

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East Wind is Closing for the first time in 15 Years

Hey Everybody,

Unfortunately, I have to cancel my classes at East Wind Yoga for the immediate future. As officially mandated, I am going to have to postpone my yoga classes until after quarantine. I’d love to continue to maintain my classes with appropriate social distance, unfortunately the studio is being forced to close and there is nothing I can do about it.


I saw this coming, so I’m ready.


I recorded my yoga class yesterday. You can download the audio here:

File URL:

Here is the accompanying Spotify Playlist:

Sorry, but here’s what I got 😀

I am so sorry to not be able to offer any more classes for the time being in person. However, I am planning on starting to live stream via my FACEBOOK PAGE and will be uploading as many online resources as I can, perhaps even youtube tutorials. I’d love to hear what you want!

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Mystery Cover Art

Mystery is OUT NOW

the E.T.’s latest melodic electro house track is a well mixed 120 BPM adventure in the key of D.


I spent about 6 months producing the track and I got a lot out of trying to work with all of the different sounds and variations of the original melody that I was able to create. I used all of my production technology, which now includes Fabfilter PROQ3, Izotope’s Trash 2, Sylenth, Reaktor, and all of the native Ableton plugins.

Mystery is available on all streaming platforms!


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the E.T. | EROS | Part 1

EROS Part 1 by the E.T.


EROS Part 1 is out via all major streaming distributors


The first part of EROS took an enormous amount of time; ranging from taking me months to days, mostly months for tracks to come together. Unwarranted Surveillance was pretty much written in a day! That just means I employed a lot of learned techniques quickly to the track and was able to create a fun experimental melody that works with the other heavy bass sounds in the track. Positron went through about 20 different iterations and took about 4 months; Positron and Stabilize my favorite tracks of the EROS, Part 1 album, but I’m extremely happy with how all of the tracks have turned out. This is an introduction to the concepts of the trilogy album and will evolve with Part 2, and 3. EROS is a three-part adventure.


EROS is a concept album, a post-apocalyptic (you guessed it right!) space station that houses the criminals and fugitives of the intergalactic police, namely the Nemoans on the moon of Mars, EROS. The Nemoans are a race of giant toads that police the allied galaxies and are self-entitulated rulers of the galaxy, due to their military’s superiority. Toads are known to consume entire planets, some by themselves. Nemooah, the emperor has done this several times, though it is recognized as a legend by many rebels. EROS is the pinnacle of their demonic society and is influenced by my trip to Poland when I was 21. Part 1 contains 12 tracks about the technology and hero of the saga, J the alien. Part 2 will introduce Nemooah.

The Villain.

Emperor Nemooah is one of the universes most grimy and slime coated giant toads from the boggy swamps of the gas giant, Xaxis. Xaxis was destroyed by humanity in 2119. Nemooah’s revenge was the end of humanities occupation of Earth. Nemooah now lives deep within the swamps of Earth, eating crocodiles and whales occasionally. The remainder of the people’s of Earth now live in EROS, an energy producing virtual reality space station build on Mars’ moon. The energy gathered from the human bodies continues to grow as the humans become more and more complacent with their virtual prison. Hope for the future of humanity and the universe is fading.

There is only one being that is known to have escaped the Nemoan Federation since the beginning of time; a species, actually. the emperor has learned of their technology by the slim remains that he was able to find on Earth’s moon. He calls the race ‘novaborn’ as it appears that their technology requires the birthing of a new star, and not just any star, but one formed in the thickness of a new nebulae.

This is the beginning of the story for our hero, ‘J’, who is the last of an extinct race of ultra advanced cybernetic organisms. They are called, the Novites, or the ones born of stars. J wanders galaxy in search for new energy sources that could help to provide a future for his extinct race and their technologies that once spanned the universe. He is the last one.

Prelude to EROS Part 1

Drysithe was sure that he would die. Ever since he heard the transmission, his left eye twitched incessantly. This news wouldn’t sit well with the Emperor. Nemooah would surely execute him, like his predecessor. Nemooah didn’t even hide that he would one day kill his messenger, he had no fear of his younger cousin whatsoever. He would fade into oblivion, like his father when he failed the strike against Newetan

“The NovaStar has awoken, my liege.”

“What are the readings?”

“They are immeasurable… forces involved were too fast and powerful to even withstand basic readings… it destroyed our sensors. Specially, during the nebulae absorption process; we didn’t even begin to catalogue or record the birth… It has escaped through some kind of wormhole or portal at the end, my lord.” The undertoad looked down at his emperor’s corpulent feet with terror, he couldn’t stop his left eye from twitching. His veins felt like poison, his heart pounded.

“Do not fret, Drysithe.” Nemooah took a long moment to cackle, his amusement at Drysithe’s discomfort was unfathomably light. His many uniform decorations clanged against each other on his enormous chest. “I would never expect to catch a Novaborn during birth.” Nemooah sighed disaapointedly, letting loose a slight tumult of saliva and the dead remnants of his last good meal. “We will search the galaxies for the energy signature we found today; we have what we need! The initial data should be plenty.”

“Excellent, Emperor Nemooah, this is such excellent news!” Drysithe tried not to look at the dead toad at Nemooah’s feet.

“Indeed, it is for you Drysithe; today will not be the day that I eat you. But perhaps tomorrow..” and with a smacking of his tongue against his toad lips, Nemooah launched himself outside, then tore into the softer ground with a massive launch into the heat of the blazing nearby star. He used his jetlike rocket-pack to disappear into orbit on the horizon-line; headed for the nearby moon and the Nemooan intergalactic space station that shadowed its orbit with massive spires and rings that swirled endlessly in magnetically enhanced patterns to create the massive energies needed to travel between galaxies. space-station’s rainbows of color struck Drysithe as he realized that he would love his wife and see his child this hallowed eve. Tears streamed down his face and nothing has ever seemed so beautiful as the station, radiating brightly against the dark oblivion of the beyond.



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    1. NovaBorn [Future-Bass]
    2. J the Alien [Electro-House]
    3. Positron [Techno]
    4. InterGalactic Fugitive [Electro-House]
    5. J106 [House]
    6. Evasion [Electro-House}
    7. Nebulae Mists [Electro-House]
    8. NanoAnts [Tech-House]
    9. Unwarranted Surveillance [Tech-House]
    10. Stabilize [House]
    11. Time Paradox [Tech-House]
    12. Never Surrender [House]

EROS,  Part 1 on Soundcloud

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EROS introduction

the E.T. – EROS Introduction | Novaborn | J the Alien

the E.T. presents:


Introducing EROS

EROS INTRODUCTION: The EROS album is definitely a step-up from my previous work. The mix quality as well as the writing is just on another level (thanks to a lot of hard work). I am attempting to write songs with a new degree of depth, EROS is a result of that search. Now for the EROS introduction, my latest work and music that I am very proud to present to you.

I have taken a lot of influence recently from old rock music, especially Pink Floyd, the Beetles, Led Zeppelin, and Jimmy Hendrix, specifically. The ideas of concept albums and how Pink Floyd used them to talk about ideas that are pervasive to the human experience. I’m in love with how Led Zeppelin plays to ideas and how all of the artists create stories with their music. Especially Hendrix.

So I have attempted to adapt my own methodology to create a concept for an album that I think can stand the test of time. EROS is an alien concentration camp of Mar’s moon that all of my tracks focus around. I am almost finished writing the tracks built around these concepts and there is a full storyline to accompany it. EROS tracks has been nearly 6 months in the making! So here’s the story.

EROS was originally going to be a trilogy


I decided to cut down the track count to about 7 or 8 and just take the best. I have also signed one of the tracks to a label. More on that later. Now to introduce EROS and the Universe that exists around the alien concentration camp.

EROS Introduction

Part 1: Introducing J the Alien

Introducing the main character of the Saga, J the Alien. J is an alien, in fact, he is the last being of his race, a once populous and prodigiously successful civilization until the collapse of their neutron star. Now a being must be born into a collapsing star in order to absorb the necessary energy into the incubation process. The energy requirements are so enormous that a birth causes the neutron stars to collapse within a millenia. The Novaborn live until they are killed.

Novaborn – the birth

Future Bass Hybrid

Novaborn is the story of J’s birth, the first part of the EROS introduction. He was birthed without any knowledge of his ancestry into the darkness of space. Upon waking for the first time post-incubation, J is guided via the Novaborn AI, Celexa to his new homeworld, Celexus. Celexa encountered a planet during the incubation process and already begun the terraforming process to make the atmosphere suitable for J to arrive and begin mining the crust. His first quest inundates J with knowledge about his species, their energy consumption, the energy costs of his own life, and the recognition that he is the only one of his kind. J’s life is a search for energy, to keep himself alive and to revive the Novaborn species.

J the Alien – Introducing the main character

Future Electro

J is a very unique character that I am very excited to share. I had an entire album built to explore J’s universe and existence. But I scrapped 5 tracks and combined the rest into the EROS saga. J has all kinds of incredible technology and unique attributes. Luckily, these attributes  make for harrowing and mind-melting adventures through the cosmos. I will release the next tracks ‘very soon;.

I will be releasing more music within the next three days, most notably Positron, which is at the basis for J’s technology and existence. Also check out this music video for Novaborn in the meantime:

Also, check out my previous album, HAZE.

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