Simulating a Black Hole

I’ve just recently finished a big round of black hole simulation prototypes. Check out my latest work and dive into the complexities of black hole physics by visiting the Github link below:

Lately, I have been spending a lot of time learning about physics and the mathematics that power A.I., especially matrix multiplication. Matrix math, once you understand it, feels kind of like a superpower. You see the world differently after taking a proper linear algebra class. I have been really captivated by A.I. for the specific reason of automating scripting. Coding is for sure one of the most tedious and also precise sciences out there and it is also very difficult. I have decided to get back into it and use AI to prototype idea quickly. I have gotten a lot of python, some R, and a lot of SQL under my belt in the last 8 months, so the fact that this is a javascript project is pretty cool!

AI makes coding a lot more fun for me and specifically dealing with syntax and debugging much much. It’s also a great research tool for libraries and capabilities and debugging; I feel like the best computer developers will always be ahead of AI because of the efficiency of the human mind, and also its creativity and sparse encoding abilities. Our brains are truly incredible. And together with A.I. our intelligence will be significantly augmented.

This was a great chance for me to learn to use Java Script; normally I use python for development and little tasks here and there, but at the beginning of this year I started programming every day in one language or another. I’ve also picked up Java and am learning C++ both of which I am excited to start implementing. Javascript is a good time, especially with three.js! Wow, what a powerful library!

How the heck do we even start a simulation like this? Well first we have to consider what a black hole is; a region of space where spacetime is altered because of the intensity of gravity in that area. It’s essentially negative pressure for energy that seems to process it into hadronic jets and probably a lot of other functions that we don’t really understand yet because the amount of energy required to simulate these kinds of interactions are beyond us. String theory probably points us in the right direction; time will tell.

Learning Advanced physics with AI

So First things first, collect some data. We have these magnetic field lines which influence the orbits of the stars around the black hole; we can model in inner horizon line as a 3D sphere from which light cannot escape. This requires quarternion coding for the objects in orbit to be able to interact with the inner horizon line, or the black hole. Three.js is the library I decided to use for this and it turned out to be an awesome and super robust choice for the simulation.

The Event Horizon Telescope is a primary source of data for this project as it evolves. It involved analyzing Fits data which I am just getting into. Its super fun. As I perform data analysis I will update the site and enable as much visibility into the code as possible. It should be fun to analyze the movement of the disc, though its a big challenge because of gravitational lensing. It’s hard to measure because you have to use relativity.

Then we have to model the stars; which I am also still working on, but I have a few real time models of the orbital paths of some of the closest stars to Sagittarius A. Let’s just say that their orbits are wacky and very elliptical, sometimes off center in a huge way. But for now, we can use particles. There are 100 billion stars in the milky way (orbiting the black hole Sagittarius A) so we obviously have to scale this down a lot. Earth is about 1/4 of the way out from the center, so placing the sun is definitely possible. I’m generally going for about 10,000 stars; but adding collision detection and properties of magnetism, gravity, etc, and calculating fields for each object would be very computationally intensive so its going to take some work to modularize. So yeah, you start running into performance issues pretty much right away when doing this kind of computation; great for learning!

However, GPU processing is off the hook and we can still get visual understandings of the various properties of a black hole. The process of layering the data and creating interactivity needs to be extremely intelligent and well thought out to be able to use a simulation like this with real data. But I think I am getting pretty close.

Learning JavaScript and Three.js

JavaScript has been a joy honestly. I have used CSS and HTML like a fool for over a decade and never even thought to look further, probably just because of the curly brackets honestly. They still kind of cause me to flinch a little. But hey, you get used to it I guess cause I’m starting to really enjoy coding in JavaScript; its fun to be able to visualize what you are working on in a web browser. And in the last 10 years libraries have come a long way; python has been great also, whoever invented -pip is a saint.

JavaScript is just because I can just format an HTML document: Header, body, and just script in those spaces. Its awesome for fast prototyping. For the project I import THREE.JS and I experimented with a few other libraries but without too much success yet.

Then you start to add the constants mostly according to screen size; one of the best features of three.js is the camera and the ability to zoom in and out of the simulation.

These are the adjustable settings:

// Adjustable settings
const numParticles = 500; // 10x fewer particles for testing
const radiusMin = 100;
const radiusMax = boundaryRadius;
const discThickness = 60;
const particleSize = 5 + Math.random() * 10; // Fixed size for points
const trailLength = 8; // Number of points in the trail

const velocityScale = 0.01 + Math.random() * 0.9;

particleMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
color: 0xffffff,
size: 2.5,
transparent: true,
opacity: 1

trails.forEach(trail => {
const trailMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0x00ffff,
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.3

These are the primary Variables to adjust the visualization.

Building the Simulation for Adjustment

This can all be adjusted if you have a good computer. If you have a decent GPU you can probably ramp up the particle amounts as well.

So we have our: function createAccretionDisc() which will act a the inner event horizon sphere, but we also need an outer edge. Now how this works in particle physics I don’t think we really understand yet, but there is some outer force that seems to hold galaxies together; most likely its dark energy, which I think of as being the opposite of the cosmological constant. There is light, but there is also shadow. And instead of shadow just being the absence of light, perhaps there is something there. Maybe its just really really really small.

Screenshot of my Elliot’s Simulator

Dark Matter Outer Boundaries

actual trajectories of Stars orbiting Sagittarius A. You can create this effect if you increase the ‘trails’ integer and lessen the particle count.

Then you can see a red ring along the outer boundary and this is the dark matter postulate; it might just be a ring of highly magnetized particles or maybe just gravitation oriented particles. Perhaps energy and negative energy are polarized somehow?

In any case the outer boundary works well with the simulation, even for faster particle movement. The outer horizon seems to be a thing even for the highly irregular orbits of stars close to Sagittarius A; there seems to be a negative energy field on the outside edges of galaxies holding them together.

Challenges and Next Steps: Stars and Jets

I have gotten a few code bases with jets running, but I am trying to figure out accretion transformation functions, which may take a while; I think I have to star with star fusion processes and move upwards in magnitude; anyways, the next step in this project is to start mapping real starts into this. Here is an image of some of the trajectories that would be fun to analyze.

The Star Cluster at the center of the Milky Way

Jets are a challenge; there is still so much that is unknown about these energy mechanisms; the corkscrew effects are tough to simulate well; lots of hydrodynamics and plasma dynamics involved in understanding those. It will take quite a bit more particles physics on my end, and advanced in compute to really start to understand what hadronic jets even are! But perhaps one day, if we do start to understand them, we can use them to travel to distant galaxies.

Conclusion – Modularize the code going forwards

Going forward, I’ll focus on modularizing the code to maintain performance while integrating real data. Stay tuned for more updates!


The Creation of Planet Earth

Planetary Accretion - Dall-E

Nothing is more fascinating than the origins of the immeasurably vast gravitational landscape of the cosmos. Where in the heck did all this stuff come from? The Earth is like a little bubble of life buoying in the unknowably large tides of the nebulae, adrift in endless waves of stars and their ruthless creators, the black holes, supernova and even more immense cosmic events, that remain a mystery at the heart of the beginning of the universe. Cosmic Radiowave Background Emissions and redshift are a good reason to think that there is an expansion happening, and that perhaps all of this that we experience and can observe was unified, before the “big bang”. But to settle on one hypothesis is surely a downfall until it is proven; even Hawking himself admitted that he didn’t think it was likely a single event in his book, “A Brief Histoy in Time” (by Stephen Hawking, duh). But it is mostly just a giant mystery and these are the explanations we’ve created to understand it that fits within our mathematical models for prediction.

In other words, we are in the midst of discovering so much about how the universe, that we must be open minded and ready to learn and discover the possibilities, rather than force our own perspective on the nature of the cosmos. It is a release of ego, to scale the heights of knowledge.

The Sun’s Beginnings

About 4.6 billion years ago, the sun formed from a molecular cloud through a process called accretion. Generally it is thought that gravitation waves from a nearby supernova caused the collapse of the this molecular cloud to begin to form a proto-star.

Introduction – Proto-Planetary Genesis

Studying the creation of solar systems, or stars, is relatively complicated. But with modern advanced in science, especially orbital satellites, it seems that all of the objects in a system are birthed in relatively close timelines, then the celestial object migrate into orbital paths that suspends them in the gravity of the star with the angular momentum to create an orbit. In other words, there is an event that allows for the coagulation of matter into a spherical mass of hydrogen and helium fusion. Jupiter and the sun and the rest of the planets probably formed at similar times, starting with the sun. The star and a gas giant combination is a normal result of a star’s formation, it seems from the celestial data, but our data is biased because of our inability to see objects smaller than Earth with current light sensing technologies (most planets are inferred from transits, or eclipses of the planet in front of the star, and the specific frequencies of the subsequent redshift, or sometimes blueshift, tells about the size and density, perhaps a little about the atmospherics of the planet).

Jets, Molecular Clouds, Hydrostatic Cores, and Magnetospheric Accretion

Lets visualize this; a immense cloud of gas and dust gravitationally attracts to a black hole or massively disrupted by a supernova and due to the massive gravity wells of these objects, create stability for the fusion processes in the star. Now we just have to imagine this on a massive scale with a supenova; or other massive objects such as quasars and black holes, and we begin to understand why quasars and redshift are such giant topics of debate to the modern astrophysicist. These are likely at the root of the creation of our own solar system, however it is hard to see this event happening in the massiveness of the galaxy, let alone in other galaxies.

There are now 5,000 confirmed exoplanets. Some are likely habitable. We should send satellites to their systems! However for now, they are only inferred via the Doppler method, the transit method, the radial velocity method, and the new and exciting gravitational micro-lensing,

  • Every planet forms around a star; planets and stars cannot form independently of the clouds of dust and gas that clump and coagulate when systems are formed and generally they densify together; however we don’t know a lot about this process; its hard to see and model in space. Its has also historically been challenging to simulate; however recent advancements in matrix compuation and GPU/TPU computing are making us much better at simulating the magneto hydrodynamics of these events. So we must use all of the tools at our disposal to explore the subject matter. Mostly, some giant computers, data-bases and telescopes. Also, being able to overlay different data types has been extremely powerful for understanding how these events function.
  • The exploration of exoplanets, exobiology, and the formation of planets and systems such as the one we are a part of demands an interdisciplinary nature of the study, including biology, chemistry, geology, and astronomy, as well as math. We’ll need everything.

Hadean Era to Late Bombardment Phase

So back to the proto-star of the sun. The dust collapses and forms a nuclear hydrogen core. As the fusion happens, the star releases helium, which emits tremendous amounts of energy into the surrounding materials as it accretes. The cosmic dust, in combination with this high energy helium and ice begins to stick together and collide to form planetesimals. They merge and collide to form larger objects and eventually form embryos. There is a differentiation in these embryos based on how far they are from the central fusion process; those that form closer to the star are coagulations rock and metals due to the high temperatures that vaporize more volatile substances. I like to visualize super hot lava globules spinning and orbiting a massive fusion reaction core.

This secondary core of iron produced by the accretion process of the star created our planet; atmosphere was eventually accumulated and the denser materials formed the earth’s core, the lighter materials the crust and mantle of the earth. It is likely that the water present on earth helped to created massive cooling of the planet as it formed to help to created the dynamic hydration and dehydration processed we know as weather.


Jupiter and Saturn formed in a few million years (Haisch et al. 2001) from a gas-dominated protoplanetary disk, and were susceptible to gas-driven migration of their orbits on timescales of only ~100,000 years (A low mass for Mars from Jupiter’s early gas-driven migration).

This is the least known period of the planet; its initial accretion from a giant ball of highly magnetized and molten iron with a solid core and all of the huge amounts of trace elements that you see on Earth today. The Earth is thought to have been a molten rock of lava that also had tremendous amount of water in its atmosphere; some scientists think that there was more water here originally, some less; but most agree that large amount of water and ice bombarded the planet to create the water in the atmosphere and oceans that exists on Earth today. This period of heavy comet and asteroids impacts is called the Late Heavy Bombardment eon. Earth found an incredible equilibrium during the formation of our solar system. It is close enough to the sun to retain its atmosphere, but far enough way to allow for a cooling of the surface and most scientists believe that water was retained during the accretion process, probably in the form of steam and perhaps some exotic states of water. We have proven that there is ice on Mars so its not too weird to think that a lot of carbon and hydrogen. Its also interesting to think that the Earth’s atmosphere was very dynamic as it formed with meteors and impact objects playing a role in both the magnetic resonances and atmospherics of the planet. The amount of potential extinction events seems to be around 10, as of the moment. One was a giant plankton bloom.

  • Early Earth was volcanic; its surface is estimated to have been 446 degrees F. There was also volcanic eruptions on a scale that does not existing today; ouch, that doesn’t sound very hospitable.
  • A lot of the planetary accretion history of the Earth is still unknown, due to probabilities of massive meteorite impacts during the heavy bombardment era.
  • The grand Tack hypothesis is the best explanation currently for the accretion of our solar system. It describes Jupiter and Saturn as migratory, having vast influences upon the inner terrestrial planets and the formation of the asteroid belt. This theory is the most consistent with the creation of Earth and Mars within a simulation.

Late Bombardment Era

The LHB theory is based on studies of the Moon’s crater record and lunar material returned to Earth by Apollo astronauts. Isotopic dating of moon rock samples showed that the rocks were last molten during impact events in a narrow time interval, suggesting that many craters were formed during this period.

Somehow, the moon became a part of the Earth’s gravitational well. When this happened, is under debate, however most scientist accept the giant impact hypothesis, that the moon impacted the earth right after the formation of the Sun and Jupiter. The resulting molten debris coalesced into the moon. Accoring to the theory, a body called Theia impacted the earth and the result was the moon. Alternative hypotheses include multiple smaller impacts or the fission hypothesis (where the Moon split off from a rapidly spinning Earth), have been proposed, but they do not match the evidence as well as the giant impact hypothesis. So at some point, the moon was somehow captured by Earth’s gravity and this probably protected Earth in a big way as life began under the veil of the ocean.

2. Chemical Evolution

  • The Miller-Urey experiment proved that life can be created in Earth’s atmosphere using simple chemical compounds so it is very likely that Earth in its proximity to the sun has evolved over time to support life; it seems like Earth is in a very cozy zone between the sun and the gas giants that stabilize the solar system’s orbits. Life spontaneously forms here; yes the daisies just pop out of the ground and life, obviously, is prevalent.

3. Formation of Complex Molecules through the ocean and volcanism

  • Life most likely began in hydrothermal vents in the ocean. These are similar to underwater volcanoes, but instead of erupting magma onto the surface of the earth or ocean; vents split and release magma into the ocean floor to create:
  • Water (H₂O): Superheated and rich in dissolved minerals.
  • Hydrogen Sulfide (H₂S): Vital for chemosynthesis, supporting life forms at the vent.
  • Methane (CH₄): Another crucial compound for chemosynthetic organisms.
  • Minerals and Metals: Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu), clay minerals…
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO₂): A source of carbon for many biological processes.
  • Silica (SiO₂): Often found precipitated around vents.

There was also a very powerful shielding mechanism for the chemical evolution of life to begin, the ocean. And these environments continue to exist and form a model for early earth; here are some likely candidates for the emergence of life on the planet due to their complex chemistry:

  1. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  2. East Pacific Rise
  3. Indian Ocean Ridges

4. Protocells and Early Life Forms

The Real hero that originated life on Earth was membranes. Scientists like David Deamer (UC Santa Cruz) have discovered the ability of fatty acids to form from simple hydrocarbons from carbon and nitrogen which formed membranes to eventually housed amino acids, phosphates, and a sugar like ribose that created the first vesticles, microcapsules, and cells. The formation of the nucleic acids marks the beginning of self-replication and RNA, meaning cellular reproduction. This evolution is thought to have taken 2 billion years. This could be the largest bottleneck in finding life elsewhere in the universe.


The cosmos hints at its origins through the whispers background radiation and the tales told by redshifts across the galaxy. Our journey through understanding celestial genesis—from the fiery birth of our sun to the assembly and migration of Jupiter and Saturn, our knowledge of the formation of planetary systems is far from complete. Our voyage is marked by brilliant bursts of discovery and long stretches of mystery. The ongoing research into how our own solar system came to be, from the conductive movements of Jupiter and Saturn, the terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, and the giant impact of the moon to the subtle influences of cosmic dust, and ice, underscores a fundamental truth: we are still at the very beginning of understanding our place in the vast, dynamic universe.

Helium and Hydrogen dynamics will undoubtedly lead the future models of planetary accretion; particle and fluid dynamics will become more comprehensive and powerful to help us to explain the behavior of these massive energy, by diving down in the depths of their detailed characteristics.

As we puzzle on planetary formation and the conditions that may harbor life, we must remain open to the potential. Our models are only as good as the data we gather, and every new observation with GOOD data can challenge decades of assumptions. The exploration of exoplanets and the study of ancient lunar rocks are not merely academic pursuits; they are crucial in piecing together the narrative of our universe—a narrative in which we are not merely observers, but participants. It will help us to survive.

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, we are both the weavers of the threads of fate, entwined in the infinite paths of knowledge.


  1. Earth Magazine – Lunar isotopes suggest early water on Earth
  2. Oxygen isotopic evidence for accretion of Earth’s water before a high-energy Moon-forming giant impact
  3. – Late Veneer Evidence
  4. Stanford Department of Geophysics – The Hadean-Archaean Environment
  5. The First Cell Membranes – David Deamer
  6. The potential and challenges of nanopore sequencing – David Deamer
  7. The Lipid WorldDaniel Segré, Dafna Ben-Eli, David W. Deamer & Doron Lancet
  8. Transitions from non-living to living matter – David Deamer
  9. Local Models of two-temperature accretion disc – 12 Apr 2023  ·  Christopher J. Bambic, Eliot Quataert, Matthew W. Kunz
  10. Molecular outflows identified in the FCRAO CO survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud – Gopal Narayanan, Ronald Snell, Ashley Bemis
  11. A low mass for Mars from Jupiter’s early gas-driven migration – Grand Tack Theory Paper
  12. Giant Impact Hypothesis – Wikipedia
  13. Research assisted by Chat GPT, Perplexity, Google and Arxiv

The Science of Serenity: Yoga’s Impact on the Nervous System and Hormonal Balance


Over the past 10 years, I have been attempting to understand and adapt the ancient practice of yoga. I travelled to Mysore to study ancient yogic traditions through the lens of modern science. It has also helped me to understand what brought me to yoga originally. Over the course of teaching thousands of students yoga, I can confirm that the benefits of yoga are tremendous and very much understated in modern society. It’s simple; health is declining because it isnt valued. The practice of yoga allows for an individual to realize fascinating and comprehensive benefits for human health and to redistribute their system of valued. Yoga is a way of philosophy. This article will delve into the anatomical and physiological underpinnings of yoga, specifically its profound effects on the nervous system and hormonal balance, to illuminate how these practices foster positive mental health.

Yoga and the Nervous System

The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Yoga

Yoga’s ability to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), often referred to as the “rest and digest” system, is a cornerstone of its mental health benefits. According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, practices such as gentle yoga poses, meditation, and pranayama (breath control) significantly increase vagal tone, an indicator of parasympathetic activity, leading to relaxation and stress reduction (Streeter et al., 2010).

Just sitting still and breathing deeply can lower your cortisol levels significantly. I can’t tell you how many people miss out on this in favor of the “go” mentality. To relax, you have to stop; sometimes.

Neuroplasticity and Mindfulness Practices

Research in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience outlines how consistent yoga practice contributes to neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form new neural connections throughout life. This adaptability is enhanced by yoga’s mindfulness component, promoting cognitive flexibility and resilience to stress (Gard et al., 2014).

These findings collectively suggest that yoga can play a pivotal role in mental health interventions. By enhancing neuroplasticity and fostering a mindful approach to mental health, yoga offers a holistic and effective strategy for managing anxiety and depression, supporting its integration into mental health treatment and wellness programs for addicts and/or abusers.

Meditation and Brain Structure: Research has shown that meditation, a key component of yoga, can lead to changes in the brain’s structure, particularly in areas associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress. For instance, a study that found increased gray matter density in the hippocampus, known for its role in learning and memory, in individuals who engage in mindfulness meditation.

Breath control and pranayama practices influence the autonomic nervous system, shifting the balance towards the vagus nerve, which helps promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. This shift is associated with reduced cortisol levels, a marker of stress, thereby potentially reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms.


Yoga for Hormonal Balance

Cortisol and Stress Response

A pivotal study in Psychoneuroendocrinology demonstrated that regular yoga practitioners exhibit lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, compared to non-practitioners. This suggests that yoga can modulate the body’s stress response system, leading to improved mental health outcomes (West, Otte, Geher, Johnson, & Mohr, 2004).

Yoga’s Effect on the Endocrine System

Yoga’s impact extends to the broader endocrine system, which regulates hormones. The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology reported that specific yoga poses and sequences can stimulate or soothe various glands, promoting hormonal balance. This equilibrium is essential for mood regulation, stress management, and overall mental well-being [1]. Studies have indicated that mindfulness practices can reduce rumination, a significant factor in the development and maintenance of depression. By fostering a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, yoga helps individuals break the cycle of negative thought patterns.

Practical Applications

The practice of asana can optimize the nervous system and hormonal functions. For example, inversions like downward dog or headstand can rejuvenate the endocrine system, while slow, mindful movements in poses such as child’s pose or seated forward bend activate the vagus nerve, fostering a state of calm.

Yoga for Substance Abuse Disorders

Yoga has been increasingly explored as a complementary intervention strategy in the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs), with several studies highlighting its potential benefits. Research demonstrates that yoga practices, including Hatha yoga, Sudarshan Kriya yoga, and various breathing and meditation exercises, can have positive effects on individuals struggling with substance use, including tobacco, alcohol, or opioids.

Incorporating Scholarly Insights into Daily Practice

Understanding the science behind yoga empowers practitioners to tailor their practice to specific mental health goals. When you are stressed, you can meditate. By integrating these scientifically backed techniques into regular practice, you can control your own health. There is a lot of research left to be done; but there is some evidence to support yoga as an effective therapy for anxiety and depression. Obviously these are hard things to measure; not only are depressions and anxiety subjective, but the way each individual experience yoga is different because of different use histories in the body from sports, etc.


These findings collectively suggest that yoga, through its multifaceted practices of breathing, contorting, and physical rigor can ameliorate mental health. The confluence of yoga with modern scientific research offers compelling evidence of its benefits. The key to further research will be underpinning its exact efficacy in enhancing mental health. So far, the breathing techniques have yielded some of the most widely acknowledged clinical data. As we continue to explore the depths of yoga’s therapeutic potential, it becomes clear that this ancient practice holds timeless relevance in our quest for psychological well-being in the contemporary world. During our lifetime, we might learn why!

References (read the first one!)

  1. Bhavanani, A. B., Madanmohan, & Sanjay, Z. (2012). Understanding the Science of Yoga. The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.
  2. Gard, T., Noggle, J. J., Park, C. L., Vago, D. R., & Wilson, A. (2014). Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
  3. Streeter, C. C., Gerbarg, P. L., Saper, R. B., Ciraulo, D. A., & Brown, R. P. (2010). Effects of yoga on the autonomic nervous system, gamma-aminobutyric-acid, and allostasis in epilepsy, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
  4. West, J., Otte, C., Geher, K., Johnson, J., & Mohr, D. C. (2004). Effects of Hatha Yoga and African Dance on Perceived Stress, Affect, and Salivary Cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
  5. Namrata Walia, Jennifer Matas, Acara Turner, Sandra Gonzalez and Roger Zoorob -The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

Instagram is Toxic and Dangerous

Instagram Toxicity Depicted

Instagram has become a dangerous and toxic menace to society at large. Meta is truly one of the most irresponsible companies in history allowing for popularity to take precedent over decency, in regards to violating the rights of its users and therefore, of the youngest generation of humanity. Social media is wrecking the lives of American youth by allowing toxic, even violent behavior. Does Facebook still sell our email addresses? Their ethics seem to be non-existant. Many other tech companies are facing scrutiny for the affect their technologies have on the user base.

Honestly I do believe that Instagram has become an extinction level threat. The toxic negative impacts of the irresponsibly managed company have already destroyed countless lives. Why don’t you report on that Instagram? In combination with the lack of responsible government oversight and regulation and obvious corruption, Instagram could cause the destruction of America and humanity. The failure of America’s government and American academic institutions and cannot be overstated. The social media companies are obviously also to blame.

Here are the leaked documents from Facebook and Instagram:

“In a blog post, Facebook released two slide decks that had informed the Wall Street Journal’s bombshell report(WSJ) from mid-September indicating that the company knew from internal research conducted in 2019 that its subsidiary platform Instagram was harming the mental health of teen girls, particularly when it comes to body image.”

“More than a year after the Facebook Papers dramatically revealed Big Tech’s abuse, social media companies have made only small, slow steps to clean up their act,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (CNN Business) The Facebook and Instagram wellness hubs make ABSOLUTELY no mention of the data of these analyses, the statistics, or the math. They are trying to hide the tremendous amounts of negative data about them.

Children and even young adults shouldn’t have access to social media. The data is very clear. They aren’t ready for that kind of hyper-connectedness. They need strong nuclear family connections and during development these kinds of products are far too influential on them and turn them into products for advertisers and the social media companies.

The negative impacts of Instagram on youth culture in America have been a subject of growing concern for the adults populations at large. As various studies and reports highlight significant adverse effects, more studies are released about the harmful quality of the algorithms involved in the platform’s popularity and engagements. This is all supported scientifically, you can see the sources at the bottom of the article. There are a lot of them, because this is a well-documented problem.

Key issues involving social media use for non-adults include:

  1. Body Image and Self-Esteem Issues: Instagram has been linked to negative effects on young people’s feelings about their appearance and body satisfaction. The platform can exacerbate risks for eating disorders and other mental health concerns such as depression and low self-esteem. A study cited by The Wall Street Journal found that 32% of teen girls felt worse about their bodies after using Instagram, indicating that the platform can significantly alter how young women view and describe themselves. Sounds pretty dangerous and mentally poisonous.
  2. Mental Health Concerns: Instagram’s design, which capitalizes on the biological drive for social belonging, encourages continuous scrolling and engagement. This mechanism has been associated with mental health issues like depression, social anxiety, and self-esteem problems and is called . Exposure to Instagram’s narcissistically oriented content, driven by a business model focused on maximizing user attention, can have cumulative negative impacts over time.
  3. Increased Mental Distress and Suicidality: Research implicates smartphone and social media use, including Instagram, in the rise of mental distress, self-injurious behavior, and suicidality among youth. The effects are particularly pronounced among girls, suggesting a dose-response relationship between social media usage and mental health issues. Suicide numbers are difficult to discern directly because of the amount of coinciding variables in a suicide; however rates have steadily increased with the adoption of social media as a norm. Cyber-bullying has also contributed to this numeric increase in a significant way.

“Most teens report at mental health issue” -<(instagram reports)>.

The Mental Health concerns can be further categorized:

  • Loneliness
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Body Dissatisfaction
  • Body Dysmorphia

As an adult that once was a kid with the internet, putting hyperconnectedness into the hands of the youth is irresponsible at best. The highlight reel effect is omnipresent on the platform and the internet as a whole and isn’t really understood by most folks. Kids need to be taught this kind of stuff in school; parents can’t be relied on to teach their kids this stuff because a lot of them don’t know about it. Kids need parents to help them navigate the thick and difficult world of technology that has become more and more predatory over time, from video games, to social media, to conspiracy theories, to just general laziness and confirmation bias and a sense of privilege and narcissism that seems to have become rampant in American society. Teachers, educators, and family, parents, brothers sisters, etc. typically share values to create humility. That’s why we generally both love and hate the time around our parents.

With the advent of all of this new, super powerful technology, we are at a crossroads of a civilization, especially in this country. America can either learn to be ethical, to strive for the greatest good, or we will become a corrupt pile of shit-bags that just want to argue and compete with each other to be the best in some imagined competition. There is always hope for something greater.

These findings underscore the need for greater awareness about time spent on social media. and intervention strategies to mitigate the harmful effects of Instagram on the mental health and wellbeing of young people in America. If you know someone that is spending way too much time on Instagram, or Facebook, or any other platform, you should tell them. Be their friend in real life.

What Precautions can you take to Mitigate the Negative Impacts of Social Media

  1. Take a break every 10 minutes. Try not to spend more than an hour on social media. TikTok has proven to be a data feed for China and its algorithm is very different for Americans and Chinese citizens. In a court filing, the former employee of ByteDance, Yintao Yu, alleged that the CCP spied on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong in 2018 by using “backdoor” access to TikTok to identify and monitor the activists’ locations and communications. There is certainly potential for this to happen to Americans, through Instagram and Facebook.
  2. Remember that Instagram is highly manipulated. It is literally subsidized by the FBI, Homeland Security, and the State Department to monitor potential terrorist activity (this is actually a good thing right now, imo). However, even when you use your privacy settings, your social media accounts are not totally private. How much privacy an American citizen gets should at least be a matter of debate for the people, as well as our representatives. In most cases, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media companies will voluntarily share your information and personal messages with law enforcement agencies, whether they have a warrant or not[21].
  3. No one actually looks like the actors do in movies (although some are undoubtedly more attractive in reality because of their distinctive, unique, and charismatic personalities). Don’t compare yourself to others on the platform; deep friendships and family relationships are the most rewarding according to modern psychological data[20].
  4. There are significant weaknesses in Facebook’s and Instagram’s algorithms. They are very flawed. Deep connections are created and fostered in real life; digitalization of friendship simply isn’t rewarding to us. Social media is most effectively used as an enhancement to real life interaction, not the other way around.
  5. Limit your social media use. 30 minutes per day, per platform is probably a lot, but reasonable for a younger adult. More time on a site might be acceptable for work; if you are growing a business on social media sites, I say good luck to you. Use it for friendship.
  6. Explain to your kids what Instagram is. Teach them how it is flawed and how reality truly work.
  7. Spend more time with your children and kids in general in the analog world. It’s where we are meant to be.
  1. BMC Psychology
  2. Faces engage us: photos with faces attract more likes and comments on Instagram
  3. Instagram Use, Loneliness, and Social Comparison Orientation: Interact and Browse on Social Media, But Don’t Compare
  4. What the brain ‘Likes’: neural correlates of providing feedback on social media
  5. Effects of Instagram Body Portrayals on Attention, State Body Dissatisfaction, and Appearance Management Behavioral Intention
  6. The Interaction between Serotonin Transporter Allelic Variation and Maternal Care Modulates Instagram Sociability in a Sample of Singaporean Users
  7. Instagram use and young women’s body image concerns and self-objectification: Testing mediational pathways
  8. The impact of excessive Instagram use on students’ academic study: a two-stage SEM and artificial neural network approach
  9. The Power of the Like in Adolescence: Effects of Peer Influence on Neural and Behavioral Responses to Social Media
  10. Cue-Reactivity Among Young Adults With Problematic Instagram Use in Response to Instagram-Themed Risky Behavior Cues: A Pilot fMRI Study
  11. Peer Influence Via Instagram: Effects on Brain and Behavior in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
  12. Instagram and Seizure: Knowledge, Access, and Perception of Circulating Information on the Internet
  13. Oxytocin Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Early Parental Bonding Interact in Shaping Instagram Social Behavior
  14. SnapChat Parental Guide
  15. Facebook is hitting the brakes on Instagram for kids
  16. – Instagram data breach! 49 million users’ sensitive data exposed online
  17. – The Most Damning Thing We’ve Learned About Instagram Yet
  18. – Leaked documents reveal Meta knew Instagram was pushing girls towards content that harmed mental health
  19. – Leaked Documents Show How Instagram Polices Stories
  20. Instagram Psych Files on Appearance Based Social Comparison
  21. – Things that make people happy
  22. – Is the Government Monitoring Your Social Media Accounts?
  23. Brennan Center of Justice – Federal Government Social Media Surveillance Explained

Nose Breathing & the Lungs

nose breathing example

The Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Ventilation and The Sympathetic Nervous System

Breathing is a fundamental act of life. In humans, breath represents the gateway between the mind and the body. Also called ventilation, it is the first action we take when we are born, and the last before we die. The lungs are the primary mover of energy within the body; when stressed, the breathing rate elevates. Yogis and practitioners of meditation are particularly interested in breathing as a way of becoming more aware of the body.

Ideally, a yogi can breath in and out through their nostrils ceaselessly. Some people have physical limitations in their ability to do this, so as always, consideration must be taken the unique deviations of an individual skeleton. The physiological difference between breathing through your nose and through your mouth is tremendous. Clearing your nasal and air passageways can be a simple part of daily maintenance, or caring for the body’s optimal organic function. Yoga is the exercise of “stilling the mind” through the restricted the flow of breath. Using the nostrils is key to that restriction.

The “Energy” Organ

The lungs are the primary source of your energy level. They extract oxygen from the air we breathe primarily on the exhale. About 5% more of the oxygen in the air is extracted into our lungs when we exhale through the nostrils as well (air has been measure to enter ~21% and leave ~12% while breathing through the nose | ~21% and leaves at 16% through the mouth).

“When you exercise, carbon dioxide levels increase significantly which alert the chemoreceptors, which subsequently notify the brain’s respiratory center to increase the speed and depth of breathing. This elevated respiration rids the body of excess carbon dioxide and supplies the body with more oxygen, which are needed during aerobic exercise.” (Sarah Novotny and Len Kravitz, Ph.D, UNM, “The Science of Breathing”)

Nose Breathing and the Diaphragm

Because the nostrils are smaller then the mouth, air exhaled through the nose creates back flow of oxygen during the exhale. It slows the air escape so the lungs have more time to extract oxygen from them. They also increase the humidity of the air that travels into the lungs and Similar to closing the end of a teapot, breathing this way creates pressure in the diaphram and allows for a deeper exhale. A more complete exhale activates accessory breathing muscles to the fullest capacity which includes all of the abdominal muscles. All of this occurs muscularly while the sustained, increased oxygen level affect the muscles and nervous system regenerating it and allow the yogi to continue practicing. The key is slowing down the pacing so that the body can sustain its oxygen level.

Let’s look at the different parts of the anatomy involved with breathing.

Muscles involved with Breathing

  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • Scalenes (neck)
  • TrapeziusMuscles of Respiration
  • Latissimus Dorsi (upper back)
  • Pectoralis
  • Diaphragm – primary breathing muscle
  • Rectus
  • Internal Obliques
  • External Obliques
  • Transverse Abdominus
  • Serratus Muscles (ribs)
  • Illiocostalis
  • QL (lower back)
Thoracic Organs

The bottom of the diaphragm is extremely important as it separates the upper portion of the torso from the lower and assists in the ventilation process. This is key to understanding why full capacity respiration is so important to the human body. Most of the organs lie within the Thorax, or chest cavity, so the lungs have a very complex and interesting relationship to the rest of the organs, especially the organs of the digestive tract.

How your Lungs Affect your Organ Anatomy

Because the nostrils are smaller than the mouth, air exhaled through the nose creates a back flow of air (and oxygen) into the lungs. And because we exhale more slowly through the nose than we do though the mouth, the lungs have more time to extract oxygen from the air we’ve already taken in. This affects the vital nervous system connections to your lungs and heart. Not breathing well through your nose can alter your heart rate and blood pressure. It can also increase the intensity and frequency of the human stress response. Many researchers have said that mouth breathing can also be misdiagnosed as ADHD. This is why yoga can be extremely important and useful for children and to alleviate the negative aspects of stress response (cortisol release).

That about does it for the known effects of respiration through the nose, although I’m sure the benefits to the organs, specifically the digestive tract are understated. Share what you know below!


  1. Physiopedia
  2. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Association
  3. Fitbit Blog- 3 Reasons
  4. IFL Science – Increase memory and Recall
  5. Science Direct – Article Aggregate
  6. Rhythm of Breathing Affects Emotions
  7. Pre-frontal and Mouth Breath
  8. Harvard Health
  9. Conscious Health

Femur Bone Anatomy: Pillars of Support for the Human Skeleton


Introducing the most Massive and Strong (in most ways) Bone in the Human Body

There are 62 bones in the legs: 10 trunk/hip bones, 14 ankle bones, and 38 foot bones. The femur (thigh) is the largest and strongest of these bones. Most land mammals capable of jumping also have femur bones, also lizards, frogs, and other tetrapod vertebrates. Its length on average is 26.74% of a person’s height, a ratio found in both men and women and most ethnicities with only restricted variation.

"80 - Pelvic bones with sacrum and femur" by Knowledge Collector is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0. To view the terms, visit

5 Interesting Femur Bone Statistics

  1. The femur is, on average, about 1/4 of a person’s height. It’s remarkably strong and can withstand forces of up to 1,800 to 2,500 pounds (800 to 1,100 kilograms) of pressure, making it one of the strongest bones in the body.
  2. The Femoral neck sits at a 125 degree angle
  3. Vehicular accidents are the primary cause of breakage
  4. During growth in childhood and adolescence, the proximal end of the femur (the femoral head) has a growth plate, known as the epiphyseal plate. This growth plate allows for longitudinal growth and helps determine a person’s final height when it closes.
  5. Forensic anthropologists often use the femur bone to estimate the age of an individual based on the degree of fusion of the epiphyseal plates, which can help in identifying human remains. It is heavily used in archaeology.

The Greater Trochantergreater_trochanter_grays

The Great Trochanter is a large, irregular, quadrilateral eminence on the upper portion of the femur bone. This portion of the bone has several, extremely important muscle insertions for the thigh and hip bones:

The lateral surface, quadrilateral in form, is broad, rough, convex, and marked by a diagonal impression, which extends from the postero-superior to the antero-inferior angle, and serves for the insertion of the tendon of the gluteus medius.


Above the impression is a triangular surface, sometimes rough for part of the tendon of the same muscle, sometimes smooth for the interposition of a bursa between the tendon and the bone. Below and behind the diagonal impression is a smooth triangular surface, over which the tendon of the gluteus maximus lies, a bursa being interposed.

The medial surface, of much less extent than the lateral, presents at its base a deep depression, the trochanteric fossa (digital fossa), for the insertion of the tendon of the obturator externus, and above and in front of this an impression for the insertion of the obturator internus and superior and inferior gemellus muscles.

Reference: (

The Lesser Trochanter

The Lesser trochanter is on the underside of the femoral head and also has several muscular insertions: The Psoas Major on bottom and the Illiacus on top.

The Femoral HeadFemur_insertion_point

The Femoral Head is the highest part of the femur bone, support by the femoral neck. It inserts as a ball/socket joint into the Hip/Ilium via the structure depicted to the right.

The Femoral Neck

The Femoral neck usually sits at a 120-135 degree angle with some variation. A fracture of this area is known as a hip fracture and happens during aging. This structure supports the head of the femur bone and its insertion into the hip.

femur_pic_grays_2The Femoral Body

The Body of the femur has a renowned strength, and is extraordinarily durable.

Lower Portion of the Femur


The Lower portion of the femur bone consists of two condyle (from the Greek word for knuckle), lateral and medial that create the surface for the upper tibia bone and the knee-joint. Coated meniscus tissue layers on top of the bone and provides synovial fluid for frictionless movement within the knee. The medial (inside) condyle is the larger than the lateral due to its increased weight-bearing. 

How the Femur Bone affects your Holistic Health

Femur bone fractures correlate with increased disease in the elderly. It is safe to say that the femur bone is an organ that houses much of the mineral deposits for the body. Therefore, as we age and the bone tissue become more porous, this bone become one of the primary areas of decomposition.

Bone Marrow and the formations of new blood cells

Red Bone Marrow

  • Red bone marrow is the primary site for hematopoiesis, the formation of blood cells.
  • It is located in the cavities of certain bones, including the femur, pelvis, ribs, vertebrae, and sternum.
  • Red marrow consists of a network of blood vessels, various types of blood-forming cells, and supporting tissue called stroma.
  • Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) within the red marrow are the source of all blood cells. These stem cells have the remarkable ability to differentiate into various types of blood cells.
  • Red marrow is highly active in producing blood cells during early life when there is a significant need for rapid growth and the formation of a robust blood cell population.
  • Red marrow plays a vital role in supporting the high demand for red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in growing children.
  • Red marrow primarily produces red blood cells, white blood cells (granulocytes, lymphocytes, and monocytes), and platelets.
  • Red blood cells are responsible for oxygen transport in the body.
  • White blood cells play a vital role in the immune system’s defense against infections.
  • Platelets are essential for blood clotting and wound healing.

Bone Marrow during the aging process:

  • As an individual grows and matures, some of the red bone marrow within the femur and other long bones gradually undergoes a transformation into yellow bone marrow.
  • This transformation involves the conversion of hematopoietic (blood-forming) tissue into adipose (fat) tissue.
  • The shift from red to yellow marrow is part of a natural process that occurs with aging and is influenced by factors such as hormonal changes and the body’s decreasing need for rapid blood cell production.
  • While yellow marrow is predominant in the central cavity of long bones like the femur in adults, red marrow still exists in other locations, such as the axial skeleton (e.g., pelvis, sternum, vertebrae).
  • Red marrow retains its hematopoietic activity in these areas and can be mobilized when there is a greater demand for blood cell production, such as in response to illness, injury, or certain medical conditions.

Yellow Bone Marrow

  • Yellow bone marrow is found in the central cavities of long bones, including the shaft of the femur.
  • It contains fewer blood-forming cells and is mainly composed of fat cells (adipocytes).
  • Yellow marrow stores fat and serves as an energy reserve for the body.
  • In certain circumstances, such as severe blood loss or chronic anemia, yellow marrow can transform back into red marrow to help replenish blood cell populations.

Adaptive Response of the Femur Bone:

  • The femur bone, like other bones in the body, can adapt to changing physiological needs.
  • In cases of severe blood loss, chronic anemia, or other conditions that require increased blood cell production, the femur’s red marrow can become more active, and additional sites within the femur may transition from yellow to red marrow to support hematopoiesis.

One of the primary aspects of bone health is acquiring enough calcium to maintain bone density. Most calcium is available via leafy green vegetables, notably kale, bok-choy, and broccoli. Sodas and carbonated beverages make it harder for the body to absorb calcium and should be avoided by those with osteoporosis ( Vitamin D is an important catalyst for absorbing calcium into the bloodstream.

Phosphorus is another vital nutrient to maintain bone health. Nuts, Sesame Seeds, peanut butter, parsley, crab and prawns are all foods high in phosphorus. Don’t feel like you have to eat meat or drink milk to get these essential nutrients.


What Does Cold Weather do to Your Body?

Cold 1936_Pneumonia_prop_strikes_like_a_man_eating_shark

Cold Weather and Lower Temperatures Affect the Human Body

The Human Body is made to deal with the Cold

Cold Temperatures stress the body, but the human body is meant to adapt to colder conditions. You see, low temperatures stress the body; but in a way, it is a very psychological phenomenon. It happens in your mind. The way that you react mentally can have a big effect on how the stress of cold affects you. However, for this article we will discuss primarily the physiological response of the human body to low temperatures.

Over time, the body will adapt to colder conditions. Even brief exposure to low temperatures lead to increased levels of norepinephrine and cortisol, lymphocytosis, decreased lymphoproliferative responses, decreased levels of TH1 cytokines and salivary IgA, and increased lactate levels during exercise. It takes time for the body to de-stress itself in the cold.

Does Exercising Help in the Cold?

Exercising in the cold doesn’t seem to help too much. It can for a short period of time though. Just try not to sweat! Exercising exhausts the bodies energy reserves for immediate heat. Though in general, exercising is a good way to keep the immune system strong. Sweating also causes the body to lose heat quickly.

It seems that previous exposure to cold temperatures is one of the few things that helps the body to adapt. But acute exposure of the skin can have a huge effect on the body’s immune response, so be sure to keep your skin covered in colder temperatures until your body has adapted. They say it takes about 2-3 weeks for your body to adapt to those lower temperatures.

The Cold and the Human Heart’s Health

Cold weather and Cardiovascular Health

People die more often of heart and respiratory diseases in the winter. Vasoconstriction increases blood pressure during the bodies cold-stimulus response. The decrease in cellular plasma also creates a lot more work for your heart.

The Body’s Response to Cold over Time

Exposure to cold causes the sympathetic nervous system to heat the body by constricting blood flow to the extremities and superficial tissue. The body then begins to constrict the flow of the immune system, as well as the nervous system. As the nervous system restricts flow, the extremities lose blood flow until frostbite and more serious, permanent damage occurs.

Who do Mammals Shiver?

Why do you Shiver when it’s Cold Outside?

Over time, the blood pressure increases to cope and the body begins to shiver at a certain point. Once you are shivering heavily, you are at the point where you can get frostbite, or even hurt yourself because the body convulses so strongly. But this can also happen well above frostbite temperatures due to the body’s tolerance level. As people get older, they shiver less, which results in a more rapid drop of temperature upon exposure.

Here’s how Shivering works Neurologically:

Located in the posterior hypothalamus (brain) near the wall of the third ventricle is an area called the primary motor center for shivering. This area is normally inhibited by signals from the heat center in the anterior hypothalamic-preoptic area but is excited by cold signals from the skin and spinal cord. Therefore, this center becomes activated when the body temperature falls even a fraction of a degree below a critical temperature level.

Humans heat themselves Naturally by Burning Fat

Humans also have regulatory neurotransmitters and hormones to help the body burn fat for heat when the body is cold. This is primarily how the newborn and elderly bodies create heat. As we get stronger immune systems, the body shiver response gets stronger, apparently.

Injuries from cold temperatures:

frostbite, hypothermia, heart attacks due to decreased blood flow


  1. Human Responses to Cold
  2. Cold exposure and winter mortality from ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, and all causes in warm and cold regions of Europe

  3. The Association of Cold temperature and low humidity with increased occurrence of respiratory tract infections

  4. Exposure to cold and respiratory tract infections [Review Article]

  5. Cold Exposure Human Immune Responses and Intracellular Cytokine Expression
  6. Acute Cooling of the Surface of the Body and the Common Cold
  7. Immune Responses to Exercising in a Cold Environment

  8. Can Exercise Make Us Immune to Disease?
  9. Cross-Talk between the Immune and Endocrine Systems

Common Cold Wiki

No antibiotics, Cough Meds are BS… eat some candy:

Possible explanations may include temperature-induced changes in the respiratory system,[42] decreased immune response,[43] and low humidity causing an increase in viral transmission rates, perhaps due to dry air allowing small viral droplets to disperse farther and stay in the air longer.[44] The apparent seasonality may also be due to social factors, such as people spending more time indoors, near infected people,[42] and specifically children at school.[37][41]

There is some controversy over the role of low body temperature as a risk factor for the common cold; the majority of the evidence suggests that it may result in greater susceptibility to infection.[43] Herd immunity, generated from previous exposure to viruses, plays an important role in limiting viral spread, as seen with younger populations that have greater rates of respiratory infections.[45]

Poor immune function is a risk factor for disease.[45][46] Insufficient sleep and malnutrition have been associated with a greater risk of developing infection following rhinovirus exposure. Due to their effects on immune function.[47][48] Breast feeding decreases the risk of acute otitis media and lower respiratory tract infections among other diseases,[49] and it is recommended that breast feeding be continued when an infant has a cold.[50] In the developed world breast feeding may not be protective against the common cold in and of itself.[51]

The Sciatic Nerve: A River of Energy Suppyling Human Legs

Sciatic Nerve

The Anatomy of the Sciatic Nerve

By KDS4444 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Also known as the ischiadic nerve or ischiatic nerve, the Sciatic Nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. The Sciatic Nerve runs down the leg behind the bicep femoris and powers the thigh muscles.

Gray Sacral Plexus

The nerve begins in the Sacral Plexus 

as you can see from contrasting the above depictions of the nerve. Notice the outer thigh innervation and middle leg innervation from the upper nerves in the second photo. Contrast that to the inner thigh/back-leg innervation from the lower set of nerves. The sciatic nerve is a combination of the nervous tissue from L4 to S3 and continues down the leg to branch into the Tibial Nerve and the Common Peroneal Nerve at the popliteal fossa.

The Sacral Plexus and the Greater Sciatic Foramen


Here is a fantastic depiction of the sacral plexus and the nerve’s points of joining and separation through the Greater Sciatic Foramen which is covered by the piriformis. Here is a great view of the coccyx and sacral plexus which runs down the back of the leg. As the nerve travels, it is hammocked by the piriformis and then the bicep femoris before it branches. You can see a really great example of the support of the bicep femoris below


You can also see that as the nerve travels, it branches below the bicep femoris and the popliteal fossa which is also known as the knee pit. The biggest bone in the body, the femur supports and protects the sciatic nerve. We could definitely get into more detail about the branching of the nerve, but for now, let’s stick with the major components, we can get more specialized later.

Implications for your Yoga Practice

  1. If you haven’t started finding ways the stretch the muscles surrounding and supporting the biggest nerve in your body, its time to start. Finding ways to relax and stretch the piriformis and strengthen the sciatic nerve should be one of the primary goals of your practice. A healthy sciatic nerve will be most helpful in maintaining a pain-free leg!
  2. It is necessary to work into the layers of muscles surrounding the nerve tissue to truly release tension from it. This means that although an adjustment from a chiropractor might help in the short-term, you should be focused on re-aligning the leg muscles in your daily posture to create space for the sciatic nerve.
  3. Your hamstrings can be the primary instigator of your back pain! Quadriceps are filthy culprits as well! Find ways to stretch your legs and your back will often carry less tension as a result. And legs stretches can allow you to stretch the back in deeper ways. There are certain points inside of your hip/sacrum connection where your back and your legs are the same thing!
  4. This is a huge reason why downward dog feels so fantastic. You get to stretch the muscles around your biggest nerves! Downward can be one of the most sustainable yoga poses. It shouldn’t hurt! Just uncomfortable at first.
  5. Just to take the downward dog thing further, this is also why sun salutations are such a universal stretches in yoga and so good for relaxing the nervous system. I think sun salutations might be one of the best exercises you can do for your back.

15 Yoga Asanas for your Sciatic Nerve

  1. Hero’s Pose
  2. Downward Dog
  3. Foward Fold
  4. Sun Salutation A
  5. Low Lunge
  6. High Lunge
  7. Pyramid Pose
  8. Warrior 1
  9. Eagle Pose
  10. Triangle Pose
  11. Revolved Triangle Pose
  12. Half-moon
  13. Revolved Half-moon
  14. Half Pigeon
  15. Finishing Ashtanga Streches


Foot Reflexology Chart

Movement Shapes Your Body

Foot pain from your spine?

Your Foot Bone’s Connection to your spine

How can I break my Neck in my Foot

Human Bone Anatomy | Osteology

human bone anatomy

What are Bones?

Bones are not inanimate rock like structures in the human body; bones are organs that produce red and white blood cells, store minerals, enable mobility, and provide structural support for the body. They are lightweight, strong, and hard, and function within the body in many different processes, including autoimmune function. , There are two types of mineralized osseous tissue, or bone tissue, cortical and cancellous, and gives the bones rigidity and a coral-like three-dimensional internal structure. Other types of tissue found in bones include marrow, endosteum, periosteum, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage.

Primary Nutrients

Most literature proposes Calcium and Vitamin D as the primary nutrients for healthy bones.

Calcium is important in bone creation and repair. Your muscles, organs, and nerves also need calcium to function properly; nerves use sodium to pump electricity through nerves in the form of action potentials. Calcium helps to keep these actions potentials from excessively firing by working in concert with GABA receptors, most notably in high intensity auditory transduction. ( Leafy greens, fish, and some fruits are great sources of calcium.

Vitamin D is a group of secosteroids responsible for intestinal absorption of primary nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin is the primary way that the body produces the nutrient; though it acts as a hormone because the nutrient travels to become active in the liver and kidneys. Vitamin D has a significant role in calcium homeostasis (balancing) and production in the kidneys and liver. It also affects neuromuscular and immune function.

Protein, magnesium, Vitamin K, and phosphorus are also suggested as beneficial nutrients for bone health.

Bone Structure


Bone tissue, bone marrow, blood vessels, epithelium, and nerves make up the different types of bone cells. Tissue includes Osteoblasts and osteocytes, which are involved in the creation and mineralization of bone; osteoclasts reabsorb bone tissue. The mineralized matrix of bone tissue has an organic component of mainly collagen called ossein and an inorganic component of bone mineral made up of various salts. Bone tissue refers specifically to the bone mineral matrix that forms the rigid sections of the organ. There are two types of bones: cortical and cancellous. Cortical bone tissue create hard exteriors for protection while cancellous bone is more spongy and allows for the metabolic processes on the interior of the organ; the two are biologically identical, but the expression of their microstructures are specialized.

Bone marrow is flexible tissue and reproduces red and white blood cells as well as lymphocytes that support the immune system. Cores of marrow in the heads of long bones create about 500 billion red blood cells per day in hematopoiesis. 4% of human physiology is bone marrow; so about 5 pounds if you weight ~125. The body creates two types of marrow: red, the only type in the body at birth; and yellow, which increases in proportion during the aging process. Transplants can cure extreme diseases and is one of the primary reasons why stem cells can be so beneficial. The body stores marrow in the femur, hips, vertebrae, and ribs.

Osteo Facts

At birth, there over 270 bones in the body, which during the aging process turn into 206 by fusing together (joining). The biggest is the femur
(thigh) and the smallest is the stapes in the inner ear.  The hard cortical tissue (outer layer) comprises 80% of mass and networks of trabecular marrow comprise the rest. Bones are mineral reserves for the body and marrow stores fat. They are metabolically very active and work in tandem with the digestive system, immune system, and endocrine system in balancing nutrients, defending against disease, and releasing hormones, respectively. 22 bones fuse together after birth to form the skull. 26 aligned, specialized bones called vertebrae make up the spine, protect the spinal cord, and form the primary support structure for the body.

Aging and Osteoporosis

The problems arising from bones occur in osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, tumors, and infections can affect the organic tissue. Fractures are breaks in tissue, from repetitive force or trauma. Aging causes osteoporosis; the body stops producing the necessary amount of building material for the body and literally means “holey bone” (porosis meaning hole). Tumors and malignancy’s can occur in various forms in bone tissue as well. This makes it much easier for the bones to fracture.


Cancer can also occur in tissues structures and is a common site for it to metastisise to. Several primary cancers occur within the bones and some even within the marrow, such as Leukemia and multiple myeloma. The tissue distorted by cancer is normally more prone to fracture and weakness, which becomes particularly painful when it occurs in the spine.


  1. AAOS –
  2. Wikipedia –
  3. ASU Ask a Biologist –
  4. Wikipedia –
  5. NOFG –
  6. Skelton –