Elliot’s Projects

Elliot is a computer programmer, he is currently working on 3 major projects:

Explore the Universe 2175 Cover Art

Adventure through Space-time

This is Elliot’s first production game, and features a variety of cutting edge and immersive features. This has been a really fun chance for me to try out all kinds of new code and processing techniques, and also to learn about back end data structures and managing states. My favorite part is always implementing new physics, and unfortunately gravity is very computationally intensive. But I am finding all of the work arounds. Anyways, expect a Beta sign-up form soon. I have a working prototype now, but I am planning to make quite a lot of enhancements to the game over the coming weeks, so if you have feature requests, please let me know. I can tell you how feasible it might be! (especially if it is related to AI)


Features of Explore the Universe

Procedural Galaxy Generation

Galactic World Map Exploration Mechanics

Advanced Space Physics

Space Exploration and Cosmic Events determined by player actions and choices

Unlimited Player Leveling

Advanced Enemy AI powered with Machine Learning

Inventory for the player of resources for crafting and Items that greatly enhance the player’s abilities.

Complex Trade World Economy and Item value dynamics with credit system influence by world dynamics and factions

MEGABOT – My first boss, which will be the primary boss of this first game. I am creating a story line around him that is pretty fun and that I will be excited to release alongside music for the game.

Explore_the_universe_megabot GIF

Unique Zones, Emergent Gameplay, and Cosmic Phenomenon Exploration

Custom Music, and Sound, Designed by the E.T. 😀

Developing Cut-Scene, Movies, Sounds, and Unique

Check out some of the art that I will be using for cut-scenes. I am still working on an intro cinematic.

Eventually, I would love to turn this into a multiplayer game. We’ll see how the sales go, I’m planning on releasing it right after summer break. It’s the responsible thing to do, especially if it goes well, I will want to build out and release the multiplayer functionality quickly.


Project #2

Atomik – the Solar Clock

Coming Soon… (later half of 2025)


Completed Projects

Bushnell’s Gardens Redesign & Home Page Drone Footage

Screenshot of the Bushnell Gardens Website