The Application Process for the Ashtanga Institute

Ashtanga Institute, Mysore

This article was specifically written for people applying to the Ashtanga Institute in Mysore (, directed by Sharath Jois and Saraswathi Jois. This was a bit of a difficult process for me and because there is not a lot of information about the application process on the internet, I figured I would write about it. Here … Read more

The Different Styles of Yoga

yoga styles_krishnamacharya

The origins of yoga date back to the beginning of civilization (read my article here) We live in a world that is highly evolved and diversified; yoga is no exception. Yoga has evolved rather quickly, since Krishnamacharya trained Iyegnar and Jois in the 1930s and 40s. With the astounding rise of the popularity of yoga, … Read more

Getting my India Visa in SF


Why I love San Francisco I got my visa for India this morning, and took a megabus into the city yesterday afternoon. I have to say that part of me is sad because Urban Flow is closed right now and I really loved that studio. There’s something primitively satisfying about chanting with a couple hundred … Read more