What Do You Need To Get Started With Yoga?

Downward Dog Yogi in Dark Corridor

From improving your flexibility to soothing joint and muscle pain, to assisting with mental health and disabilities, to even healing major bodily injuries and improving the quality of sleep yoga has a tremendous amount to offer modern human beings. Starting a yoga practice is much simpler than you might expect.

Continuing Work with Ashtanga

The entire series usually takes me a couple of hours, because I mediate for 10 minutes before and do some easy yin stretches if I need to before starting the series. Often I don’t finish, but about half of the time, I do.

The Sciatic Nerve: A River of Energy Suppyling Human Legs

Sciatic Nerve

The Anatomy of the Sciatic Nerve Also known as the ischiadic nerve or ischiatic nerve, the Sciatic Nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. The Sciatic Nerve runs down the leg behind the bicep femoris and powers the thigh muscles. The nerve begins in the Sacral Plexus  as you can see from contrasting the above depictions … Read more

Yoga Practice: How to Start Now

Free 1 Hour Flow Yoga Class

You’re Starting a Yoga Practice But first, what the heck is Yoga? Yoga is simple. It is paying attention to your breath and posture for set periods of time. Unfortunately, our world has over-complicated it with sexuality, superficiality, and our schedules for our selves. Yoga studios are some of the most interesting phenomenon in the … Read more

Yin Yoga Meditation

ashtanga workshop w/ Elliot cover

A Unique Approach to Meditation Meditation is one of my favorite things. Yoga, sitting cross-legged while doing various mental exercises, running, teaching yoga, and performing other focused exercises are examples of what I define as meditation. Anything where there is focus and concentration. Yin yoga has become more and more prevalent in my own practice, … Read more

Ahimsa | अहिंसा

Yama #1 Ahimsa is the Yogic concept of non-violence, or non-harm to other beings. Himsa means to strike, injure, or harm and adding an ‘a’ before a word in Sanskrit makes the meaning opposite; in this case meaning non-injuring, non-harm. This is especially important in the yoga practice that occurs in the studio, but plays … Read more