India 2015 Itinerary

Planned 2015 Travels in Asia and Europe

I am starting to get excited to leave for India, I bought some great hiking boots and a solid camping backpack for traveling around Asia. I will be trying to post the entire time I am there, but am leaving room for lacking technology in Asia. Things have started to come together in the past few days in ways that make me ecstatic to leave, including time with my girlfriend in Southeast Asia!

I’ve also bought all of the flights that I will be needing, except for the one home. I’m hoping to stop in Paris and London for a week a piece to say hi to friends, so that is what I am still figuring out.

I leave for India on the 22nd of January, to fly into Bangalore where I will immediately head out to Mysore. In Mysore, I have a high luxury hotel waiting, with Wifi, a queen size bed, and satellite TV. A whopping $16 a night haha, this will be my nicest accommodations of the whole trip, at least that’s how I am planning it now. I am hoping to stay in places for about $2 a night for the rest of the time, after I stay for three days in the hotel.

On the 26th of January, I start practice with Saraswathi. This will last until April 1st, when the Shala closes from Summer and Sharath goes on tour.

On the 3rd of April, I leave Bangalore for Kathmandu. I am looking forward to this city more than anything else, the fusion of Buddhism and Hinduism is something I am really looking forward to. Nepal is also somewhere I have been hoping to explore for a while, maybe I can spend some time in a monastery there. In any case, I will have hiking boots and a backpack, so hopefully I can check out the mountains while I’m there.

On the 17th of April, I fly into Yangon, Myanmar. I will be meeting up with Talia there and together we will start to explore southeast Asia, flying to Chiang Mai on the 22nd and then traveling down Thailand through Cambodia to the coast of Vietnam, then up the coast to Hanoi. This is the part of the trip that is a little more disorganized and discovery oriented. We essentially have 26 days starting on April 22nd to get Hanoi by the 17th of May. We’ll be traveling through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and possibly Laos, hopefully we’ll get to play with some monkeys!

On May 17th, I will arrive in Berlin. This is my first visit to Berlin and am ecstatic about Germany. This is where the second leg of my journey begins, with my sisters and mom! We will be backpacking and traveling though Eastern Europe together, starting in Berlin, Germany.

We arrive in Prague on May 21st. From there, we move onto Munich, Salzburg, Budapest, then spending a full week in Croatia. I am really, really excited to experience Croatia, I’ve heard some incredible things about the country and moving around eastern Europe is going to be so cool after having done the same in Asia.

We fly to Zurich on the 4th of June, afterwards I am thinking about going to Paris for a week, then London for another week. This is still up in the air and depends upon a couple of friends, so I’m not planning on it right now. But this is pretty much the end of the trip, and I will be heading back to the states to work again. Hopefully I won’t be completely broke, but I am sure as fuck going to be close!


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