Places of Interest in Gokulam

A few of my upcoming blogs are going to be simply photo blogs. Pictures speak a thousand words

Gokulam City Center
Gokulam City Center, you can see the rickshaw stand on the right, and the street leading to the Jois Shala in the center
Gokulam Coconut Stand
Gokulam Coconut Stand, somewhat the center of the town
Gokulam Cell Tower, on top of the hill in Gokulam
Saraswathi’s Shala, this is where I practice. In the morning, there is no one outside and it is dark
Sri Chakra House
Sri Chakra House, quiet and highly recommended. Great food, great company, drinkable water, Wifi. This is a great place to rest, relax and refuel.
Osho Meditation Center
Osho Meditation Center and Mystic school, called by many the “second best” yoga Shala in Mysore. I hope to study there in March
Gokulam Children's Center
Gokulam Children’s Center, really beautifully decorated, but I never see any children there
Ashtanga Institute, Mysore
Jois Shala of the Ashtanga Institute, Gokulam, Mysore




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