Shaucha is the 1st Niyama of Yoga; or the restraints of behavior. This concept that is central to the Indian religion and yoga and is part of what creates a clear and focused mind. It also means a clean body and sets of actions; its implies purity and cleanliness through all of life in a balanced way.

It is also important when speaking to aim to control your communications from a calm and peaceful mind. Saucha is most often practiced in daily life, whilst cleaning your space; or your car; doing your laundry or even taking showers. Nourishment and organization are also central to saucha.
Saucha and Santosha are very interconnected. One leads to the other, which is why saucha is the first Niyama and Santosha is the second. And remember that these are behavioral guidelines or ways to act around others.
Saucha’s concepts lend themselves to better Focus
Meditation was created to clear and enhance mental focus. Saucha is a part of that because meditation requires a little bit of preparation; sometimes a shower before, or simply taking off your shoes and sitting on a pillow or a mat, etc. So keeping space clean is an important part of that. In yoga, it is very important to keep the space clean of pests; especially in post WW2 India. It is also about creating a clean relationship to yourself; getting rid of the baggage so to speak. Cleaning not only enhances your mental health, but it also removes stress from your body. “Clutter and mess can create more stress and anxiety, but by cleaning, organizing, and reducing the clutter, people are able to take control of their environment and create a more relaxing environment that helps them focus better on the more pressing issues in their lives.”[7]
5 Techniques to create Saucha
- Meditate for a couple of minutes first thing in the morning. Clear your mind before your day.
- Neti Pot – clear your nasal cavity
- Dharana Meditation – focus on a single object and stare at it for 5 minutes or more. Choose a few objects of different distances for longer practice.
- Declutter and clean your house and your car
- Eat organic foods
- The Art of Living Retreat Center – How to Live in Harmony with Yourself and the World Around You
- The Art of Living Retreat Center – Saucha – the First Niyama
- Bret Larking – What is Saucha
- Yoga International – Yamas and Niyamas
- Wikipedia – Niyamas
- Wikipedia – Saucha
- Very Well Mind – The Connection Between Decluttering, Cleaning, and Mental Health
- Forbes – the Mental Health Benefits of a Clean Home