Unlock Your Inner Zen – Daoist Yoga with Elliot


Enjoy this 30 minute Daoist yoga sessions for your major muscles and nerves. Flow with your breath through the sequence and release into your mind. Practice yoga with Elliot! Yoga with Elliot | Episode 3: Beginner/Intermediate Yoga Class Postures (asanas) for weight loss and mental health. You can tell I am a little bit chunky … Read more

Ashtanga Yoga with Elliot Workshop

I am honored to present you with my upcoming workshop series on Ashtanga Yoga. You can sign-up on the events page here. You can also sign-up on Facebook, if you so desire. Drop-ins are welcome, but you will be missing out on additional information on the series and future events. Practice the Primary Series by … Read more

Yin Yoga Meditation

ashtanga workshop w/ Elliot cover

A Unique Approach to Meditation Meditation is one of my favorite things. Yoga, sitting cross-legged while doing various mental exercises, running, teaching yoga, and performing other focused exercises are examples of what I define as meditation. Anything where there is focus and concentration. Yin yoga has become more and more prevalent in my own practice, … Read more

Ujjayi Breathing – The Victorious Yogic Breath

ujjayi breathing

The “Victorious” Breath That changes in respiration that occur during a yoga practice might be the greatest benefit of yoga. Deep breathing using a technique such as the Ujjayi breathing technique can relieve stress and toxicity from the heart and the entire circulatory system. Ujjayi breathing specifically relaxes the body through diaphragmatic breathing meaning that air … Read more

The Wanderer, Part 3

A Dark Sky

Please read the first parts of the story here: The Wanderer, Part 1 The Wanderer, Part 2 Part 3 There was once a boy, who decided to follow a wandering old man into the desert. The boy’s name was Tas. He plunged headlong into the desert in the apprenticeship of this wandering man to find … Read more