The Science of Serenity: Yoga’s Impact on the Nervous System and Hormonal Balance

Throughout the last 10 years, I have been attempting to understand and adapt the ancient practice of yoga that was taught to me in Mysore through the lens of modern science. It has also helped me to understand what brought me to yoga originally. Over the course of teaching thousands of students yoga, I can confirm that the benefits of yoga are tremendous and very much understated in modern society. It’s simple; health is declining because it isnt valued. The practice of yoga allows for an individual to realize fascinating and comprehensive benefits for human health and to redistribute their system of valued. Yoga is a way of philosophy.

Overpopulation and its Potential Effects on Humanity

overpopulation: John B Calhoun rat universes

Overpopulation and Humanity’s Destiny If we don’t halt population growth with justice and compassion, it will be done for us by nature, brutally and without pity- and will leave a ravaged world. -Nobel Laureate Dr. Henry W. Kendal   By the year 2050, the Earth’s population is estimated to reach a staggering 9.6 billion people. … Read more

The Respiratory System

Anatomy of Lungs and Respiration There is one thing you have done every moment of your life. Even before you can remember. This will be the last thing you do before you die. And your awareness of this thing will partially determine how you exist on planet Earth. Prana, or your breath, is the primary … Read more