Check out the recently updated Landscaping section of my site in the menu above!
This year I have gotten some excellent opportunities to work in the Sacramento area. My projects are happening from Antelope to Auburn with lots of work in Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, and other places in Placer County.
I’ve been extremely lucky to have great customers that appreciate the level of quality, durability, and value that I can create in a project.
My projects can fit into 3 major categories:
1. Planting

Most of my other work revolves around create an appropriate habitat for plants so that they can thrive. Plants are well suited to all environments, and sometimes it takes a bit of experimentation to get plants that work in tandem.
I am enjoying creating xeriscapes and using more drought tolerant plants; I am also learning to special the plants for different areas. Auburn is slightly different than Antelope, or even Rocklin, so the optimal plants are slightly different also.
2. Water: Irrigation/Drainage
Drainage is essential for the health of plants, especially drought tolerant and Xeriscape oriented plants. Sometimes, you can get away with superficial drainage, or non-subterranean drainage, by creating a creek bed in the landscape to create a path for water through the yard. Below, you can see a creek bed xeriscape I created in Antelope, CA:
3. Masonry, Carpentry, and Outdoor Structures
I have also been working very hard to learn masonry and mortar setting rock and brick. Masonry is really fun for me because I love to create long lasting work.
One of my most recently completed projects was a black slate patio in Roseville. This took me a couple of weeks of work with concrete that was already set. I did rough up the concrete a lot to ensure that the mortar had as much traction as possible and washed the rock with muriatic acid at the end. Check out the video!
I have also included some photos of my other projects. Enjoy!
Outside View of Privacy Gate Steel Gate in Roseville Salvia Hedge 2 Rock Wall in Roseville Rock Wall in Roseville 2 Double Retaining Wall in Meadow Vista
Salvia Hedge 1 Trellis with Jasmine Vines Planter Box with Salvia and Butterfly Bush Wide Steel/Redwood Gate in Roseville Steel Front Gate in Roseville Antelope Xeriscape Install
Wood Mill Place 1 Wood Mill Place 2 Wood Mill Place 3