The Bewilderness Podcast with Kyle Murphy

Recently, my good buddy Kyle Murphy decided to start a podcast, which I am super proud of him for. But its actually turning out to be really, really good so you should go check it out immediately. He’s just finishing up season 1.

I did an episode for the Bewilderness Podcast with Kyle about a year ago, you can check that out here on Episode 2, baby!

Kyle is a great narrator and has done an excellent job of creating a quality podcast. I haven’t listened to all the episodes, but I love the ones that I have taken the time to listen to.

Kyle takes a pretty relaxed approach to some serious issues. He does an excellent job of guiding his guests to the core of their stories and shares his own views along the way.

I’ve really enjoyed a few episodes:

  1. Cody Tarantino – Cody is a gifted young artist making a name for himself in a unique way. He talked a lot about his viral success through tick-tock and about the instagram grind that helped to lead him to success, as well as his influences. Hayo Miazaki is mentioned a few times and Cody’s art is on par to give Miazaki fans a new treat. His drawings are awesome you can check them out on his instagram
  2. Romain Dial – Romain is an old-school adventurer with a ton of experiences surviving out in the wilderness of Alaska. He recently lost his son very tragically and talks a lot about the perils of the outdoors. Definitely one of my favorite podcast conversations of all time, Romain is an old soul who has been through the some of the harsher aspects of life.
  3. Jeff Shapiro – This dude Jeff is a zen daredevil that will blow your mind with his technical wing-suit diving and relationship with the beyond. He seems like such a nice and intelligent dude; I’d never guess he spends a lot of his free time jumping off and out of things with a wing suit. Having lost a lot of friends recently, this sobering discussion will leave you wanting to express life to the fullest extent and cherishing the present moment that we all share.
  4. Buck Lewis – Buck is a yoga instructor and team coach that has impacted the lives of hundreds of people in the Roseville and Sacramento areas. He owns MomentOM, a yoga studio in Roseville and used to teach at the same yoga studio as me (East Wind). Buck’s journey is full of peril, self-realization, and fierce passion; enjoy a little bit of police violence on the side, too.
  5. Mike Veale – Mike is a conservationist and wildlife expert that personally cared for the last of the world’s white rhinos. His experience in anti-poaching and protecting animals, as well as zoo work and animal care make him extraordinarily interesting to listen to. Get ready to expand your views of conservation in this science oriented episode that talks about climate on a level that is both refreshing, honest, and scientifically informed.

Enjoy this great collection of conversational art-work by Kyle; good job out there man!


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