What’s with all the Hatred of Donald Trump

Trump: Yep, this is about Donald Trump

So let me just start this out with something that I find interesting. Not Trump. Yet. We’ll talk about him in a minute. First, let’s talk about hate.

How is it that people who are supposed to be all about love feel totally right and justified about hating things? I don’t think you are supposed to pick and choose. And if you hate something, maybe there is a good reason why that you should explore? But let’s just agree that your hate is something undesirable, instead of justifying it. What if you could actually enjoy the things that you hate? Would your life be more enjoyable? Maybe? Cool.

So let’s explore. Donald Trump. I know lots of yogis that pretty much shut-down when he was elected. Why are you reacting so heavily to something that hasn’t even effected you yet? That is very un-yogic. I know a girl that felt the need to leave the country! Rusty Wells threw a fit! Why? And how is it possible you have manifested this intense hatred about the whole situation? Didn’t Jesus say LOVE thy enemy? Wtf. It doesn’t make any sense. He isn’t even given a chance? There can only be one explanation for the fanatic hatred that has spread like wildfire through the popular culture of America. The American popular media.

People are being brainwashed, man…

The news is seriously brainwashing people according to some hidden agenda. That’s one of the things I learned in Asia, where their propoganda is infantile in comparison and much more general. Our media does some weird shit because propoganda has goals. And it has been used for a really long time. Think about Nazi Germany during World War II. Hitler got the entirety of his people morally defending genocide. Even at the beginning of the war, they were aggressively pursuing a racist agenda to pretty much exterminate polish jews. All caused by progoganda. Government communication to its people is one of the most fascinating aspects of history because it indeed influences the history itself drastically. That shit is meta as fuck. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a fireside chat with Reagan, but those are some very interesting moral constructs that we can all learn from.

Why do we let this shit happen?

How is it possible? Why do we let other people influence how we think? Why do you even have the preferences that you do? Well, I guess its just part of living in society. We think together. And people pay lots of money to influence us. But we were never immune to the self-imposed propoganda that exists in our world; its an important part of understanding what culture is. But it is up to us to decide what we truly value. Conditioning is something that only yoga, certain sports, exercise, meditation, and or naturalism can undo. Basically you have to unlearn what you have learned by replacing it with something else, unless you are doing nothing. And I would consider doing nothing to be a meditation.

The media is a method of communication

Propoganda is just another word for government marketing or just attempted influence through the media. Obviously, wealth is what truly creates the largest influence over the news and media. Every country does it, if they are smart. And lots of corporations do it. And the biggest countries in the world are very, very good at influencing the media of other countries through their corporate influence. So everyone does it.

Back to Trump, I think the media is conditioning people to hate him. So I like him. And I’m not saying I love him, I honestly don’t know him well enough to really judge. But I agree with most of his policy so far. If we are at war with Syria, we can’t allow immigrants into the country. We need better regulation of the movement of drugs through the Mexican border. We need to focus on making the American economy great if we want to help the world. The only thing that I feel is missing is a re-appropriation of the military towards the climate. But that’s crazy talk for any politician.

Finding Good Sources?

But honestly, with Trump, I feel like judging his character through the looking glass of the television is inappropriate if I want to properly inform myself. The channel OHN is pretty good I guess, and there are tidbits of CNN and FOX that are okay, don’t get me wrong, but I think overall, they have big hidden agendas created by the DNC and RNC which take in money from the biggest corporations on the planet (specifically the big banks and multinational conglomerates that control 90% of the investment capital in the world). Also, the government regulates them, like they can’t show nudity or use swear words like fuck and shit and bull-crap like that. So there’s that to keep in mind while watching them.

I love lemonde.fr they are great at being neutral; ahh the French and their ideals. Anyways, International news is great, BBC is still pretty influenced by the British State, but its another, different source. We just have to be wary in our country because of the amount of money and therefore influence that corporations have over our media.

Anyways, if those media/bank/government guys hate him, I’m pretty stoked. If you listen to his speeches, they are good. He is spontaneous, and imperfect. He seems sharp. I think there is a lot of corruption in Washington that he is rooting out and he is getting a lot of hate for it. Think about rooting corruption out of the FBI. Doesn’t it seem like something like that might be happening?

2018 Could be an Awesome Year for the US

Trump needs to keep himself safe because the fanatic hate that has developed is kind of explosive and dangerous. I think there’s a good chance that he is draining a big fat swamp. That would free up all kinds of things for our economy.

So seriously, if you feel violent about Trump, you should examine how you got to feel that way. Don’t be too serious about it, this kind of stuff is weird. But people need to get over this idealistic view of what America is. Obama literally sold us out to corporations and their profitability.

We can be a great influence on the rest of the world, but only if we are thriving. And we are not. We need to focus on making ourselves, our education system, and our economy as good as it can be. Mostly we need far better public education. Then healthcare and the climate and all of our other problems will just start to work themselves out.

So I decided to get political for a minute just to express something that I have been pondering for quite some time. I guess I’ll write the article about goals now, which was my intent when I began writing, haha.

Write About Your Trump Hate in the Comments!

I’m honestly curious, please share 🙂

Examples of TRUMP HATE (these are all links, click those suckers)

  6. Some Random Anti-Trump Resistance
  8. Chicagoans LOVE TRUMP HATE
  10. THE MEDIA HATES TRUMP (and why, maybe?)

Seriously read #10, so interesting… but also biased, of course.

PS: pls don’t hate me for writing this..



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