Day 3 of Practicing Ashtanga in India

I woke up late this morning, but got to the shala at about 5:15. Saraswathi asked me to be there at 4:30, but she doesn’t care as long as I can find a space to practice. I always start in child’s pose. Today I made a dedication, something I don’t normally do in my own … Read more



Brahmacharya means to follow Brahman. To seek supreme reality, self, and god. In this aspect, Brahmacharya is inherently Hindu. It also represents fidelity when married, simple living, and celibacy when unmarried. Brahmacharya is also taken more seriously by many ascetics, including being complete celibate and emphasizing chastity for obtaining moksha. However, Brahmacharya is a concept … Read more


The Founder of Jainism Mahavira or Varhamana was the 24th and last Tirthankara (person who has conquered Samsara) of Jainism, therefore the founder, or reformer of the Jain religion. Mahavira, like the legends of the buddha, was born into a royal family in Bihar, India. The name Mahavira means great warrior, though in youth Mahavira … Read more

Hinduism vs. Buddhism


Comparing two religions in their similarities, differences, and the in-between “Can you do a simple comparison of Hindu versus Buddhism at some time in the future?” -Inga D This article comes from a request from my good friend Inga, thanks for the great idea! Most of my experience with these two religions is based upon … Read more

The Different Styles of Yoga

yoga styles_krishnamacharya

The origins of yoga date back to the beginning of civilization (read my article here) We live in a world that is highly evolved and diversified; yoga is no exception. Yoga has evolved rather quickly, since Krishnamacharya trained Iyegnar and Jois in the 1930s and 40s. With the astounding rise of the popularity of yoga, … Read more

Aparigraha – the 5th Yama and 1st Limb of Yoga


Aparigraha | non-desire Aparigraha is the concept of non-greed, or non-possessiveness from Jainism and the Raja/Ashtanga yoga traditions. This means limiting possessions to what is necessary or important to live. The five yamas are shared with Jainism in their sacred vows and Sadhus traditionally have very few, if any possessions. The word literally means non-grasping … Read more

Uddiyana Bandha | उड्डियान बंध

Ashtanga Yoga Founder Krishnamacharya

Bandhas Part 2/4 Uddiyana Bandha is the second yogic muscular lock that occurs at the bottom of the rib cage. Uddyiana bandha is popularized, but largely misunderstood, I believe. Uddiyana means upward flying and bandha means energy seal, so this interlock moves energy up the spine. This opposed the mula bandha (root) lock descending down … Read more

Asteya | Non-stealing | अस्तेय


Asteya is a Sanskrit word; it means non-stealing, non-coveting, and not entering into debt. Asteya is a yama, meaning it is a traditional Yama, as well as a part of the 8 limbs of the Ashtanga philosophical tradition. But Asteya means more than non-stealing money, possessions, or ideas; it is about the flow of energy in … Read more