
Sitting Still

It’s interesting how hard it is to sit still nowadays. People will almost certainly look at you funny in public, and it seems like people feel weird doing it alone at home.

We are addicted to being busy, or at least seeming to be. People check their cell phone to avoid talking to each other, or to seem important when in a group of people. Its always interesting to put people together and watch them avoid connecting with one another.

Its funny how people think they don’t know how to meditate, almost as if its an ancient mythological practice that isn’t just about sitting, taking relaxed breathes, and trying not to think about anything. Kids should be taught how to do it first thing at school. Imagine if you were in Kindergarten and they taught meditation? That’s the future I see…

Anyways, I taught two classes on Friday, both of which were a blast. I had 7 people in Auburn and 8 in Roseville and we did some cool stuff, lots of warrior 3, lunging, and half moons. Can’t wait for the next time, its interesting how you can kind of sink into a comfortable place when you teach yoga…

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Riding an edge

It seems like no matter what you are doing, you are always trying to find a balance between two opposing forces. It happens in surfing, snowboarding, biking, running, swimming, football tackles, rugby, relationships, daily routines, and even yoga. And when you’re riding an edge, time seems to slow, I really think it can signify true growth.

In yoga, its that edge of discomfort that becomes relaxation at the end of a class or practice. Starting to stretch initially isn’t too fun for anyone. But once you get started, it just feels so good, spending an hour and a half doing becomes easy. Hot yoga also boasts some incredible health benefits, and one of the cool things that it allows for is riding edges within your body.

So similar to a surfer riding a wave, or a skier plowing down a mountain at full speed, yogis experience a deepening and fulfilling practice because they get to see what their body is capable of. It is a deepening practice with fulfilling rewards.

Riding edges also allows people to dissolve their limits. No one really knows what they are capable of, they just have ideas and expectations. Expectations can be dangerous, because you don’t react to what is presently before you, you react to what used to be.Image

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Green Smoothies are the best

About a week ago, my mom bought a vita-mix. That was when my life changed. I use the jetplane sounding motor to grind up smoothies like never before and today, I mixed up a solid raw green drink with maca, bananas, spinach, and strawberries, added almond milk then ice and slowly rolled it up to the 6 on the dial. So it was puree.

I took about half into a huge jar I’ve been using for green drinks lately and used that for breakfast. I threw some in the freezer, and ate it after dinner, it tasted like ice cream because of the almond milk.

It was probably the most inoffensive green drink I’ve made, probably because I used two bananas and a nice amount of maca and almond milk. Spinach is usually pretty hard to drink, but I swear the ice cream was pretty amazing. Next time, I’d use some blueberries, raspberries to sweeten it, maybe a leaf or two of kale to base it out (be careful of ruining it though).

Raw Foods and juices have been used for thousands of years to recover from illness and detoxify the body. Quite simply, it takes life to give life.

-Paul Chek

Home 2021

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