the E.T. – EROS Introduction | Novaborn | J the Alien

EROS introduction

the E.T. presents: EROS INTRODUCTION EROS INTRODUCTION: The EROS album is definitely a step-up from my previous work. The mix quality as well as the writing is just on another level (thanks to a lot of hard work). I am attempting to write songs with a new degree of depth, EROS is a result of … Read more

Ashtanga Workshop #2: Intermediate Series

ashtanga yoga workshop #2 with Elliot

What a great day for yoga on Saturday afternoon, it was so much fun to share the Ashtanga yoga workshop on the Primary Series, or Mysore style of yoga practice with my friends in the East Wind community a little over two weeks ago. The Ashtanga yoga series workshop was difficult and taxing, but the … Read more

Ashtanga Workshop: Primary Series Practice w/ Elliot

ashtanga workshop w/ Elliot cover

Ashtanga Workshop: Practice the Primary Series w/Elliot This Ashtanga Workshop for intermediate yogis is designed to help you transform your yoga practice into a more personal and healing ritual. Practice the Ashtanga Primary series with Elliot on the first Saturday of each month at EAST WIND YOGA starting February 3rd! Sign up below… Ashtanga Workshop designed … Read more

Mula Bandha | मूल बंध (Bandhas part 1/4)

The Mula Bandha and the Perineal Muscles Sanskrit for “MULA” – मूल In Sanskrit, Mula means “root”, foundation, origin, source, and beginning. Bandha means energy lock, bond, hold, or harness. Mula bandha is the root of the body, the excretion point and the bottom of the spine. This is the same as the perineal muscle group … Read more

What Does Cold Weather do to Your Body?

Cold 1936_Pneumonia_prop_strikes_like_a_man_eating_shark

Cold Weather and Lower Temperatures Affect the Human Body The Human Body is made to deal with the Cold Cold Temperatures stress the body, but the human body is meant to adapt to colder conditions. You see, low temperatures stress the body; but in a way, it is a very psychological phenomenon. It happens in … Read more

What’s with all the Hatred of Donald Trump

Boxing Trump

Trump: Yep, this is about Donald Trump So let me just start this out with something that I find interesting. Not Trump. Yet. We’ll talk about him in a minute. First, let’s talk about hate. How is it that people who are supposed to be all about love feel totally right and justified about hating … Read more

New Year and New Resolution for the Future

new year fireworks

New Year of Music, the Eros Album, and Getting into Playing Live Shows I am working hard this new year on an album/Live show experience that will be a couple of years in the making. The music itself is forming pretty quickly, but will require a bunch of visual work to bring to life the … Read more

New Music and more Focus on Yoga

Morgan Page - the E.T. remix

 Morgan Page – Beautiful Disaster (the E.T. remix) This past week has been great for my yoga practice and also my music writing, usually the two go together for me. Hence the above remix of Morgan Page – Beautiful Disaster. The vocals are fantastic, I really hope you like the mix! I subscribe to … Read more

Crave – the E.T. [Electro-House]

Crave - the E.T. (cover photo)

Crave – The E.T. [purchase_link id=”69513″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Crave – the E.T. (free download)” direct=”true”] Crave came together over the course of a few months, the layering of the lead synths took a while to plan. I feel like this is one of my best produced tracks yet and I certainly put a good amount … Read more