The Anatomy of Nose Breathing

nose breathing

Why is Nose Breathing Important? Nose breathing is the most essential part of yoga. It is also poorly understood in modern culture. Breathing through the nose is physiologically much different than breathing through the mouth; there is far more space in your nasal cavity than in your mouth to start. There is also a filtration … Read more

Sikhism: The Fifth Largest Religion in the World

Sikhism symbol

Sikhism: A Tradition Striving for Unity and Truth Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world(one of the fastest growing, too) and originated in Northern India in 1469. Sikhis (meaning disciple or learner) are monotheistic, believe in the unity and equality of all mankind, engage in selfless service, and strive for the prosperity of all … Read more

Free Yoga Classes from Pada Yogi

pada yogi free yoga classes

Free Yoga Classes Over the past few months I have recorded some yoga classes from the studios to create some free yoga class downloads for readers/subscribers. All of the downloads are available below, feel free to save the files to your computer and to use them to practice yoga when you travel, or if you … Read more

Yoga’s Primary Benefits: Control of the Autonomic Nervous System

Yoga's Primary Benefits_autonomic_nervous_sytstem

Yoga’s Primary Benefits Honestly, yoga’s primary benefits are still unknown. Our science isn’t good enough yet. Not really. Science is just starting to catch up to the power of some of the world’s most ancient healing traditions and are learning their meaning in a whole new light. Yoga’s primary benefit  is certainly related to the … Read more

Teaching Yoga Full-Time (Stepping in)

Teaching Yoga Full-Time Elliot's Crow Pose in Mysore Palace

Teaching Yoga Full-Time in California is simultaneously the most rewarding and challenging experience of my life. I’ve had people walk out in the middle of class and ask for their money back. I’ve had people come up to me after class completely blown back by what I taught that day. I’ve also had people that … Read more

Sustainable Life: 5 Actions you can take NOW

Sustainable Life

Sustainable Life for Humans Humans are on a crash course with our destiny. If we don’t find a way to live sustainable life, our species could become extinct. Over the next five-hundred, the extinction of our species will looms above us, as it has in the past. Will we fall into the oblivion of our … Read more

Yin Yoga Meditation

ashtanga workshop w/ Elliot cover

A Unique Approach to Meditation Meditation is one of my favorite things. Yoga, sitting cross-legged while doing various mental exercises, running, teaching yoga, and performing other focused exercises are examples of what I define as meditation. Anything where there is focus and concentration. Yin yoga has become more and more prevalent in my own practice, … Read more

Lao Tse | 李耳 – The Founder of the Philosophy of Taoism

"Konfuzius-laozi" by Shih K'ang - Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

Lao Tse, The First Taoist Lao Tse, Laozi, Lao-Tzu, Lao-Tze, or Laozi was a philosopher and poet in ancient China who is best known for founding Taoism by writing the Tao Te Ching. He is a deity in certain traditions and probably lived around 4-500 BCE, but is often dated to the time of Confucius … Read more