Getting my India Visa in SF


Why I love San Francisco I got my visa for India this morning, and took a megabus into the city yesterday afternoon. I have to say that part of me is sad because Urban Flow is closed right now and I really loved that studio. There’s something primitively satisfying about chanting with a couple hundred … Read more

Jihva Bandha | जिह्वाबन्ध (Bandhas part 4/4)

"Illu01 head neck" by Arcadian - Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

The Fourth Bandha The Jihva bandha is an interlock of energy used in yoga to perform certain postures and asana. This is one of the most useful tools in yoga, believe it or not. It creates more space in the back of the nasal cavity allowing for greater circulation through the lungs. The Jihva or Jiva … Read more

Anatomy of your Tongue

The human tongue is a muscular hydrostat (hydraulically powered food grabber in the same class as an elephant trunk, snake tongue, or octopus arms) with no support that acts as the organ for taste, or gestation. It lies the floors of the mouth of vertebrates and moves to manipulate nutrition for digestion and mastication (chewing). … Read more

The Burning Rainbow Forest

the burning rainbow forest

This is my most recent painting. I started it wanting to create an impressionist landscape with symbolic elements and sensational colors. Then I drew three hills and then painted the sky, then the sun, hills, then trees. I completed the paining on 11/23/14, but worked on it for over a year, it was really a fun painting from the start to finish. Check it out, please let me know what you think in the comments… I love criticism, so please bring it! Check out the different views below:

burning sky
burning sky
burning river valley
burning river valley


rainbow hill
rainbow hill
the burning rainbow forest
the burning rainbow forest

keep in mind that it looks better in person!


The Gastrointestinal Tract

digestive system

The gastrointestinal tract, or digestive system is the organ system responsible for consuming and digesting food while absorbing the nutrients, then expelling waste. This consists of all organs between the mouth and anus. It is also essential for immune functioning, and homeostasis in the body. The organs that comprise the tract are the following organs … Read more

Endocrine System – The Body’s Way of Talking

The endocrine system refers to a collection of glands that secrete hormones into the circulatory system to target a distant organ with chemical messages. These tend to be slower processes, such as growth, menstrual cycles, or circadian rhythms, but also refer to procedures for dealing with stress and the environment.

The Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic system works in conjunction with the circulatory system to reroute 3 liters of the ~20 processed each day by the body to replace plasma in the blood. Lympha is the Latin word for ‘water’ and refers to the clear liquid that provides autoimmune defense and assists with digestion. The Lymphatic system works alongside the … Read more