Organs Systems of the Human Body

organ systems

An organ is a collection of tissues joined structurally that have a common function. Functionally related organs cooperate together to form organ systems. Essentially organs work together to serve functions for the overall well-being and recycling of the body’s energy. The functions of organs and organ systems tend to overlap; in these cases, it is … Read more

Jalandhara Bandha | जालन्धर बंध

Bandhas part 3 Jalandhara bandha is a muscular group that interlocks by tucking chin into chest to elongate the back of the neck. This is particularly useful in inversions like headstand and shoulder stand, which can place stress on the neck if it is not fully and properly elongated. This interlock can also include opening … Read more

Uddiyana Bandha | उड्डियान बंध

Ashtanga Yoga Founder Krishnamacharya

Bandhas Part 2/4 Uddiyana Bandha is the second yogic muscular lock that occurs at the bottom of the rib cage. Uddyiana bandha is popularized, but largely misunderstood, I believe. Uddiyana means upward flying and bandha means energy seal, so this interlock moves energy up the spine. This opposed the mula bandha (root) lock descending down … Read more

Asteya | Non-stealing | अस्तेय


Asteya is a Sanskrit word; it means non-stealing, non-coveting, and not entering into debt. Asteya is a yama, meaning it is a traditional Yama, as well as a part of the 8 limbs of the Ashtanga philosophical tradition. But Asteya means more than non-stealing money, possessions, or ideas; it is about the flow of energy in … Read more

Transcendence 2014 Recap

Transcendence Festival

Transcendence exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I was really doubtful that a new festival so close to the city could even be fun; man was I wrong. We got in a couple of days of yoga, dancing, partying, etc, until Saturday when the cops shut down the music. Most of the people will … Read more

Basics of Nutrition


Nutrition is the concept of selecting and preparing food to be eaten, which largely contributes to the health of the body. Diet is the selection of foods that the body receives and palpability is the taste or perceived pleasantness of the food. There are four macro-nutrients and a few other types of nutrients that the … Read more



The concept of Dharma is elusive to describe due to the complexity of the concept; it does not translate directly into english and is a complex esoteric Indian term to describe a vocation, calling, or path of righteousness that an individual follows in life. This extends out to the dharma of the world as a … Read more