Dear Berlin, I love you (but not you Hitler)


Berlin was a breath of fresh air after a long time of journeying in Vietnam, taking night buses and trying not to get scammed every day. It was a bit weird to be completely anonymous again, but nice all the same; I was able to practice Ashtanga in the park all three days that I … Read more

Returning to the West

Dhaka Streets_1

The past few days have been a difficult adjustment period. The accumulation of stress over the past few months was nothing short of monumental and I needed time to allow everything to process. Budget traveling in Asia was fun, rewarding, and a life-changing experience. I would do it again, but I would have planned things … Read more

The Wanderer, Part 22

"White Mountain CA" by JonathanLamb (talk · contribs) - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

This story is part of a series, this is the twenty-second part. You can read the first story here: The Wanderer, Part 1 and the most recent story here: The Wanderer, Part 21 Tas woke up with a jolt. Chills coursed through his body; the alpine air was fresh and crisp and their fire had died down to embers. … Read more

The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 3/5 : Oral Micro-Organisms)

CDC/ Rodney M. Donlan, Ph.D.; Janice Carr (PHIL #7488), 2005

Part 3: Micro-organisms in the Mouth Please see the other parts of the article; once they are completed the links will be active: Part 1: anatomy of the human microbiome Part 2: micro-organisms on the skin Part 4: micro-organisms in the gut Part 5: implications for modern medicine Your mouth harbors a diverse, abundant, and extremely complex … Read more

Diamonds in the Rough

"Rough diamond" by Unknown USGS employee - Original source: USGS "Minerals in Your World" website. Direct image link: [1]. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

“A diamond has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity of any bulk material; it can be contaminated by very few types of impurities. Most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure. A material with superlative physical qualities, most of it original from the strong bonds between its atoms.” -Wikipedia Sometimes, people rise above … Read more

Exhausted in Vietnam


At this point, I am ready to leave Asia. This journey has been a long one; its been almost four months since I left sunny California to head to India. India was rough; I got food poisoning 3 times, the third time for an entire week before I was able to get my hands on … Read more

Hand Anatomy, Physiology, and Use

"Human-Hands-Front-Back" by Evan-Amos - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

The Usefulness of Man’s Hand The hand is one of the most intricate and useful mechanisms of the entire human body; it is a prehensile (appendage for grasping) that humans share with chimpanzees, lemurs, and monkeys; even Koalas have opposable thumbs that are very similar to the thumbprints of the hands of humans. We humans absolutely have the … Read more

The Wanderer, Part 21


This story is part of a series, this is the twenty-first part. You can read the first story here: The Wanderer, Part 1 and the most recent story here: The Wanderer, Part 20 Tas woke with a shake, not sure where he was. He panicked immediately, remember the night before. He twisted to his left and hit his … Read more

The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 2 of 5: Skin Micro-Organisms)

By Photo Credit: Janice Carr Content Providers(s): CDC/ Segrid McAllister [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Part 2: Micro-organisms on the Skin Please see the other parts of the article; once they are completed the links will be active: Part 1: anatomy of the human microbiome Part 3: micro-organisms in the mouth Part 4: micro-organisms in the gut Part 5: implications for modern medicine On your epidermis (skin), there is an … Read more