An Interview with Colin Wright


About 5 days ago, I wrote to Colin Wright, an indie author, expressing how much I appreciate his work and how he has really inspired me for 2015. He travels and has written a buncha books. Well, being the responsive young chap that he is (though I think he’s a bit older than me), he … Read more

Discount Sale: 2014 Classes


Take my class today! Now you can download 5 of my last classes of 2014 for just $5. There is a Yin class, 2 Hybrid classes, and 2 Flow classes. Please enjoy! meditation balance abdominals breathing exercises stress relief postures [purchase_link id=”63588″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Purchase” direct=”true”] These classes are great for when you are traveling, I … Read more

Nirvana | निर्वाण – Liberation from Samsara


Enlightenment Nirvana is a Sanskrit word that literally means ‘blown out’. In Indian religions, this is the achievement of moksha, or liberation from reincarnation. Nirvana refers to the extreme silence of the mind after one has tempered the fires of desire, aversion, and delusion. It is most commonly associated with Buddhism, though Hinduism and Jainism use … Read more


The Founder of Jainism Mahavira or Varhamana was the 24th and last Tirthankara (person who has conquered Samsara) of Jainism, therefore the founder, or reformer of the Jain religion. Mahavira, like the legends of the buddha, was born into a royal family in Bihar, India. The name Mahavira means great warrior, though in youth Mahavira … Read more

The Buddha


 Siddhartha Gautama Siddhartha Gautama, or the buddha, is the sage whose teachings were interpreted to form Buddhism. ‘Buddha’ means awakened one, or enlightened one and is titular for the first awakened being of an age. Siddhartha is the supreme buddha (Sanskrit सिद्धार्थ गौतम  |  samyaksaṃbuddha) and taught a middle way between the opposing philosophies of indulgence and asceticism in … Read more

India 2015 Itinerary


Planned 2015 Travels in Asia and Europe I am starting to get excited to leave for India, I bought some great hiking boots and a solid camping backpack for traveling around Asia. I will be trying to post the entire time I am there, but am leaving room for lacking technology in Asia. Things have … Read more

ब्रह्मन्/Brahman, God, and Death

Brahman is a Hindu concept describing the energy force behind the universe, the unchanging truth of why the universe is, and the source behind it. This is very different from the god Brahma, who is known as the creation aspect of the divine pantheon and is a part of the Trimurti with Shiva and Vishnu. He is … Read more

Hinduism vs. Buddhism


Comparing two religions in their similarities, differences, and the in-between “Can you do a simple comparison of Hindu versus Buddhism at some time in the future?” -Inga D This article comes from a request from my good friend Inga, thanks for the great idea! Most of my experience with these two religions is based upon … Read more

Questioning Faith


“This is what happens when you give yourself to love completely, my son” the priest sighed, continuing to stare at the crucifix. His own distaste at the particularly vivid depiction was apparent. It was almost like Jesus was there. The boy, only eight, looked up again at the statue, hung over the altar in the … Read more