Welcome to ElliotTelford.com

A Technology, Research, health, and Art Website

Telford Projects


The Primary Purpose of this website is for Independent Research

First and foremost, I am an artist. I like to create and work on things that align with my passion.

My goal is to spread information and knowledge and to learn from others along the way.

Please feel free to reach out to me, or comment on the posts that interest you.

I love science. Since I was a kid I’ve been interested in dynamic systems and I have always been into computers and games. One of my big interests is in mapping the human body and mind in Anatomy, psychology, physiology, and neurology. I am also interested in biology, nature, geology, geography, space, physics, and math. I actually love math. I also love writing and reading. I write lots of music when I can, and am passionate about sound, video, and multi-sensory art.

Another big goal of mine is to terra form Earth and learn about our climate to create a more resilient and enduring population. Climate change is definitely a misunderstood science and I have several products that I am designing that should help us to understand our dynamic climate in much larger ways.

Elliot’s Astrophysics and Simulation Research

Space and Science Research

Elliot Telford Black Hole - Star Merger Simulation Created with OpenAI

Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Black Holes, Accretion Disks, and Plasma Physics

“Dive into the fascinating world of black holes, from accretion disk plasma physics to relativistic jets. Learn how these cosmic …
Oort Cloud Animation - Telford Projects

The Oort Cloud

The Properties and Characteristics of the Outer Solar System The Oort Cloud is generally considered to be at the edge …
SAGA AI Animation

The S2 Star and Sagittarius A (orbital simulation)

Part of the Sagittatius A Simulation Project Code and Analysis is available in the usual Open Source formats I always …
Hubble's image of Jupiter

Jupiter – the Largest Planet

Jupiter’s Dynamic Atmosphere, Orbital Properties, and Future Scientific Research …

Modeling the Behaviors of Hydrogen

Presenting Elliot’s Hydrogen Fusion Simulator, V1.0.0 It is fairly well accepted that the future of energy will be nuclear. The …
Elliot's Parker Spiral Simulation Screenshot

Unveiling the Solar Wind Dynamics

Explore the nature of the solar wind through Parker’s research and NASA’s Parker Solar Probe data. Hypothesize the role of …
Mars2020 Mission Launch

The Trajectory to Mars (Part1)

Black Hole Projects Explore Over the next few months, the launch window to Mars will open as the planets align …

Tracking the Sun’s Trajectory around Sagitarius A

the sun’s galactic orbit with Sagittarius A at the center …
Simulating a Black Hole

Simulating a Black Hole

“Explore the intricacies of black hole trajectories in this simulation. Learn how to use JavaScript and Three.js for adjusting the …
Planetary Accretion - Dall-E

The Creation of Planet Earth

Nothing is more fascinating than the origins of the immeasurably vast gravitational landscape of the cosmos. Where in the heck …
The Science of Serenity: Yoga's Impact on the Nervous System and Hormonal Balance

The Science of Serenity: Yoga’s Impact on the Nervous System and Hormonal Balance

Throughout the last 10 years, I have been attempting to understand and adapt the ancient practice of yoga that was …

Instagram is Toxic and Dangerous

Instagram has become a toxic menace to society at large. Meta is truly one of the most irresponsible companies in …
nose breathing example

Nose Breathing & the Lungs

The Benefits of Nasal Breathing Ventilation and The Sympathetic Nervous System Breathing is a fundamental act of life. In humans, …

Femur Bone Anatomy: Pillars of Support for the Human Skeleton

Introducing the most Massive and Strong (in most ways) Bone in the Human Body There are 62 bones in the …
Cold 1936_Pneumonia_prop_strikes_like_a_man_eating_shark

What Does Cold Weather do to Your Body?

Cold Weather and Lower Temperatures Affect the Human Body The Human Body is made to deal with the Cold Cold …
Sciatic Nerve

The Sciatic Nerve: A River of Energy Suppyling Human Legs

The Anatomy of the Sciatic Nerve Also known as the ischiadic nerve or ischiatic nerve, the Sciatic Nerve is the …
human bone anatomy

Human Bone Anatomy | Osteology

What are Bones? Bones are not inanimate rock like structures in the human body; bones are organs that produce red …
The Idea of Evil Giovanni Domenico Ferretti, Cain and Abel, 1740

Evil and the Evolution of Morality

Evil and Humanity Evil and morality are thought structures for defining good and bad actions. Definitions of evil vary according to …
Yoga's Primary Benefits_autonomic_nervous_sytstem

Yoga’s Primary Benefits: Control of the Autonomic Nervous System

Yoga’s Primary Benefits Honestly, yoga’s primary benefits are still unknown. Our science isn’t good enough yet. Not really. Science is …
Sustainable Life

Sustainable Life: 5 Actions you can take NOW

Sustainable Life for Humans Humans are on a crash course with our destiny. If we don’t find a way to …

The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 4/5 : Gastro-Intestinal Micro-Organisms)

Part 4: Micro Organisms of the Gut Please see the other parts of the article; once they are completed the links …
CDC/ Rodney M. Donlan, Ph.D.; Janice Carr (PHIL #7488), 2005

The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 3/5 : Oral Micro-Organisms)

Part 3: Micro-organisms in the Mouth Please see the other parts of the article; once they are completed the links will …
"Human-Hands-Front-Back" by Evan-Amos - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Human-Hands-Front-Back.jpg#/media/File:Human-Hands-Front-Back.jpg

Hand Anatomy, Physiology, and Use

The Usefulness of Man’s Hand The hand is one of the most intricate and useful mechanisms of the entire human body; …
By Photo Credit: Janice Carr Content Providers(s): CDC/ Segrid McAllister [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 2 of 5: Skin Micro-Organisms)

Part 2: Micro-organisms on the Skin Please see the other parts of the article; once they are completed the links …
overpopulation: John B Calhoun rat universes

Overpopulation and its Potential Effects on Humanity

Overpopulation and Humanity’s Destiny If we don’t halt population growth with justice and compassion, it will be done for us …

The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 1 of 5)

Part 1: Anatomy of the Human MicroBiome Please see the other sections of the article; once they are completed the links …

Source Energy

I am going to try to get to the bottom of this argument for a source of things, in particular, the …
Ayruvedic Oils: from right to left, Lavender, Saffron oil, Sandalwood oil, Lotus oil

Ayurveda | आयुर्वेद

About 80% of the world’s population relies on tradition remedies for their health care needs. India has many alternative medical …

The Benefits of Marijuana

This is the story of a plant. A special and unique plant. A plant that human beings, honestly, do not really understand …

The Last Diet you’ll ever Need.

Are you looking for the list of ten things? I hate to break it to you, but your body’s nutritional …

The Respiratory System

Anatomy of Lungs and Respiration The Anatomy of Breath – Elliot There is one thing you have done every moment …
digestive system

The Gastrointestinal Tract

The gastrointestinal tract, or digestive system is the organ system responsible for consuming and digesting food while absorbing the nutrients, …
Endocrine System - The Body's Way of Talking

Endocrine System – The Body’s Way of Talking

The endocrine system refers to a collection of glands that secrete hormones into the circulatory system to target a distant …
The Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic system works in conjunction with the circulatory system to reroute 3 liters of the ~20 processed each day …
organ systems

Organs Systems of the Human Body

An organ is a collection of tissues joined structurally that have a common function. Functionally related organs cooperate together to …

Basics of Nutrition

Nutrition is the concept of selecting and preparing food to be eaten, which largely contributes to the health of the …
foot anatomy

Foot Anatomy and Function | पाद | pāda

The Human’s Foot Anatomy Consciously, the foot might be the most forgotten part of the human body. At least in my …
ankle bones (Gray's Anatomy)

Anatomy of the Ankle

The ankle is the base and primary support structure for the lower body to rest upon. Ankles allow for agile …
Shoulder Anatomy and Physiology

Shoulder Anatomy and Physiology

The human shoulder is a powerful and large anatomical structure. The hinging ball and socket joint allows for vast gains …

I primarily use scientific inquiry and skepticism to learn about the subjects that interest me. I have two degrees from Gonzaga University.

Elliottelford.com Tag Cloud

abdominals adventure anatomy Ashtanga Ashtanga yoga bass music buddhism EDM electro house music electronic music fiction health hinduism history house India landscaping maya meditation mindfulness music music production nutrition Patanjali philosophy primary series psychology religion science series short story taoism teaching yoga the wanderer travel traveling wanderer wanderer series writing Yamas yoga yoga history yoga philosophy yoga practice yoga teachers

Elliot’s Most Recent 100 Posts

Elliot Telford Yoga


Honoring the Memory of Sharath Jois:

A Tribute to a Visionary Yoga Instructor The yoga community is mourning the sudden loss of Rangaswami Sharath Jois, a …
Shaucha | शौच | purity & cleanliness

Shaucha | शौच | purity & cleanliness

Shaucha is the 1st Niyama of Yoga; or the restraints of behavior. This concept that is central to the Indian …
Dall-E & the E.T. - Santosha

Santosha | संतोष | Contentment | Satisfaction

Santosha, the second Niyama of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is sometimes spelled Santosa, is a portmanteau in Sanskrit, derived from Saṃ-prefix …

Unlock Your Inner Zen – Daoist Yoga with Elliot

Enjoy this 30 minute Daoist yoga sessions for your major muscles and nerves. Flow with your breath through the sequence …
Elliot Telford Yoga - Yin Yoga Meditation Video #1

Elliot Telford Yoga – Yin Yoga Meditation Video #1

I recorded a little video before my class this Wednesday about what I do when I meditate. Meditating is a …
What to Expect in Your First Yoga Class

What to Expect in Your First Yoga Class

Oooooh how exciting. You have finally devoted some time to your mental health. You researched a little about meditation and …

abdominals adventure anatomy Ashtanga Ashtanga yoga bass music buddhism EDM electro house music electronic music fiction health hinduism history house India landscaping maya meditation mindfulness music music production nutrition Patanjali philosophy primary series psychology religion science series short story taoism teaching yoga the wanderer travel traveling wanderer wanderer series writing Yamas yoga yoga history yoga philosophy yoga practice yoga teachers

the E.T. Music


the E.T. – Zombie Internet

Zombie_InternetDownload I have been going to school for the last 8 months so every so often I give myself a …
Gamma - the E.T.

Gamma – the E.T.

Download the E.T. – Gamma GammaDownload [Electro-Trance] – 130 BPM New Music! Techno, electro and bass come together in the …

Battle for Mars – EROS Part 3

download the track with the links below: the E.T. – battle for marsDownload Focusing on Higher Quality Production The last …
the E.T. - Recurve (a spaceship flying out of a planet's atmosphere and out into space

ReCurve – the E.T.

120 BPM Electro- House Recurve has some of my favorite melodic work; the beginning took a little bit of time …
Shield Wall - the E.T.

Shield Wall – the E.T.

77BPM | D# Shield Wall is the first Drum and Bass Track! I am pretty excited for how it came …

Anatomy Research

Elliot Telford Black Hole - Star Merger Simulation Created with OpenAI

Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Black Holes, Accretion Disks, and Plasma Physics

“Dive into the fascinating world of black holes, from accretion disk plasma physics to relativistic jets. Learn how these cosmic …
Oort Cloud Animation - Telford Projects

The Oort Cloud

The Properties and Characteristics of the Outer Solar System The Oort Cloud is generally considered to be at the edge …
SAGA AI Animation

The S2 Star and Sagittarius A (orbital simulation)

Part of the Sagittatius A Simulation Project Code and Analysis is available in the usual Open Source formats I always …
Hubble's image of Jupiter

Jupiter – the Largest Planet

Jupiter’s Dynamic Atmosphere, Orbital Properties, and Future Scientific Research …

Modeling the Behaviors of Hydrogen

Presenting Elliot’s Hydrogen Fusion Simulator, V1.0.0 It is fairly well accepted that the future of energy will be nuclear. The …
Elliot's Parker Spiral Simulation Screenshot

Unveiling the Solar Wind Dynamics

Explore the nature of the solar wind through Parker’s research and NASA’s Parker Solar Probe data. Hypothesize the role of …
Mars2020 Mission Launch

The Trajectory to Mars (Part1)

Black Hole Projects Explore Over the next few months, the launch window to Mars will open as the planets align …

Tracking the Sun’s Trajectory around Sagitarius A

the sun’s galactic orbit with Sagittarius A at the center …

Elliot Telford\’s Landscaping

Rough Starting in 2024

Rough Starting in 2024

This year has been challenging in a new kind of way. Mostly, this is due to a client deciding that …

Bark is Essential for Landscaping

Bark decays to create mycelium. Mycelium assists plant roots in absorbing nutrients from the dirt; similar to the way that …
Finishing Landscaping Projects

Finishing Landscaping Projects

This has been a year full of really cool landscaping projects! I’ve had a lot of excellent opportunities to expand …
Taking Time off Landscaping to Recharge

Taking Time off Landscaping to Recharge

The summer months are getting hotter and hotter in Northern California with increased risk of fire and smoke from the …
Building New Fences in 2021

Building New Fences in 2021

This year has centered me around replacing fences in the area due to the major storm damage that insurance companies …

My goal with this blog is to distribute high quality information, entertainment, and art. Each section of the website has deep, rich information on the subject matter that I aggregate and publish and it is a constant work in progress.

Use the navigation menu and search above to look through the wide array of articles and information on the site. There are a lot of articles on anatomy, yoga, science, and my experiences traveling. Don’t hesitate to use the search and make sure you check out some of my FREE Yoga Class Recordings!

Elliot – creator