A Technology, Research, health, and Art Website

Telford Projects
The Primary Purpose of this website is for Independent Research
First and foremost, I am an artist. I like to create and work on things that align with my passion.
My goal is to spread information and knowledge and to learn from others along the way.
Please feel free to reach out to me, or comment on the posts that interest you.
I love science. Since I was a kid I’ve been interested in dynamic systems and I have always been into computers and games. One of my big interests is in mapping the human body and mind in Anatomy, psychology, physiology, and neurology. I am also interested in biology, nature, geology, geography, space, physics, and math. I actually love math. I also love writing and reading. I write lots of music when I can, and am passionate about sound, video, and multi-sensory art.
Another big goal of mine is to terra form Earth and learn about our climate to create a more resilient and enduring population. Climate change is definitely a misunderstood science and I have several products that I am designing that should help us to understand our dynamic climate in much larger ways.

Elliot’s Astrophysics and Simulation Research
Space and Science Research
Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Black Holes, Accretion Disks, and Plasma Physics
The Oort Cloud
The S2 Star and Sagittarius A (orbital simulation)
Jupiter – the Largest Planet
Modeling the Behaviors of Hydrogen
Unveiling the Solar Wind Dynamics
The Trajectory to Mars (Part1)
Tracking the Sun’s Trajectory around Sagitarius A
Simulating a Black Hole
The Science of Serenity: Yoga’s Impact on the Nervous System and Hormonal Balance
Instagram is Toxic and Dangerous
Nose Breathing & the Lungs
What Does Cold Weather do to Your Body?
The Sciatic Nerve: A River of Energy Suppyling Human Legs
Human Bone Anatomy | Osteology
Evil and the Evolution of Morality
Yoga’s Primary Benefits: Control of the Autonomic Nervous System
Sustainable Life: 5 Actions you can take NOW
The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 4/5 : Gastro-Intestinal Micro-Organisms)
The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 3/5 : Oral Micro-Organisms)
Hand Anatomy, Physiology, and Use
The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 2 of 5: Skin Micro-Organisms)
Overpopulation and its Potential Effects on Humanity
The Human Body is an Ecosystem (Part 1 of 5)
Source Energy
Ayurveda | आयुर्वेद
The Benefits of Marijuana
The Last Diet you’ll ever Need.
The Respiratory System
The Gastrointestinal Tract
Endocrine System – The Body’s Way of Talking
The Lymphatic System
Organs Systems of the Human Body
Basics of Nutrition
Foot Anatomy and Function | पाद | pāda
Anatomy of the Ankle
Shoulder Anatomy and Physiology
I primarily use scientific inquiry and skepticism to learn about the subjects that interest me. I have two degrees from Gonzaga University.
Elliottelford.com Tag Cloud
abdominals adventure anatomy Ashtanga Ashtanga yoga bass music buddhism EDM electro house music electronic music fiction health hinduism history house India landscaping maya meditation mindfulness music music production nutrition Patanjali philosophy primary series psychology religion science series short story taoism teaching yoga the wanderer travel traveling wanderer wanderer series writing Yamas yoga yoga history yoga philosophy yoga practice yoga teachers
Elliot’s Most Recent 100 Posts
Elliot Telford Yoga
Honoring the Memory of Sharath Jois:
Shaucha | शौच | purity & cleanliness
Santosha | संतोष | Contentment | Satisfaction
Unlock Your Inner Zen – Daoist Yoga with Elliot
Elliot Telford Yoga – Yin Yoga Meditation Video #1
What to Expect in Your First Yoga Class
abdominals adventure anatomy Ashtanga Ashtanga yoga bass music buddhism EDM electro house music electronic music fiction health hinduism history house India landscaping maya meditation mindfulness music music production nutrition Patanjali philosophy primary series psychology religion science series short story taoism teaching yoga the wanderer travel traveling wanderer wanderer series writing Yamas yoga yoga history yoga philosophy yoga practice yoga teachers
the E.T. Music
Accelerated Adaptation
the E.T. – Zombie Internet
Gamma – the E.T.
Battle for Mars – EROS Part 3
ReCurve – the E.T.
Shield Wall – the E.T.
Anatomy Research
Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Black Holes, Accretion Disks, and Plasma Physics
The Oort Cloud
The S2 Star and Sagittarius A (orbital simulation)
Jupiter – the Largest Planet
Modeling the Behaviors of Hydrogen
Unveiling the Solar Wind Dynamics
The Trajectory to Mars (Part1)
Tracking the Sun’s Trajectory around Sagitarius A
Elliot Telford\’s Landscaping
Rough Starting in 2024
Bark is Essential for Landscaping
Finishing Landscaping Projects
Taking Time off Landscaping to Recharge
Building New Fences in 2021
My goal with this blog is to distribute high quality information, entertainment, and art. Each section of the website has deep, rich information on the subject matter that I aggregate and publish and it is a constant work in progress.
Use the navigation menu and search above to look through the wide array of articles and information on the site. There are a lot of articles on anatomy, yoga, science, and my experiences traveling. Don’t hesitate to use the search and make sure you check out some of my FREE Yoga Class Recordings!
Elliot – creator